An Absence

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"Birdman! How glad I am to find you!"

Clint fires his newly located arrows underground, aiding the Hulk in destroying any and all. He mumbles in agitation;

"Took you long enough! Nat's unconscious and I need to get her out of here. Can you cover me?!"

The demigod steps in to take his swings opposite Hulk, allowing the archer to scoop their injured warrior and make his way out.

The demigod aims a lightning bolt, assisting in the destruction that has quickly moved back onto the streets of New York. Thor finds the 'beast' intriguing when he tears apart a massive weapon as if it were second nature, taking it as a sign to assist him in the demolition.

Bystanders head for higher ground, yelling and screaming at the vision in front of them. It isn't long before Aldon tries to run. Spotted with a roar, hulk charges full force toward the doctor without warning.

Thor maintains his stance as Stark lands beside him, "We need to find that chemical and end this now!"

Rogers calls over his com, "Nat's down! Barton is taking her to Fury for medical treatment."

Tony shakes his head and fires his missiles to cause the last of the weaponry to implode upon itself;

"Well that's just great. What's the good news?"

"Are we in any way closer to locating this radioactive weapon? Underground?"

Barton's voice comes in broken and much softer, "Not for nothing guys, but hulk squashed about everything that was in that hideout. There's nothing but dust left."

The Iron Man pulls back his helmet to glare directly toward Thor, "Where is Banner? Is he green?"

"Yeah and extremely pissy."

The Hulk takes larger steps toward a cowering Aldon. Left with nothing but a lab coat he pleads with the green giant for mercy.

When the Hulk looks at Aldon, all he sees is a monster. Someone who has hurt his other half as well as one of his closest friends. He can see her laying on the ground in his mind, towering over her fragile frame as his large green finger brushes her hair, searching for a breath or any sign of life from the Black Widow.

His function is to protect. To eliminate the threat. With a large raising fist and a snarl shows his enemy no mercy.

Stark lands nearby, unable to observe for too long as the hulk snaps the neck of his victim. He speaks up softly to bring his friend back after giving him a moment to breathe;

"Hey, Buddy. Fight's over. You're good..."

He snarls, still very much invested in revenge.

Rogers charges behind in the dust and quickly spots the two-some;

"Come on guys. We're good. Natasha needs us."

The Hulk's eyes soften over hearing her name, causing Steve and Tony to freeze momentarily. He releases a somber whimper, vague expression over a typical angry scowl.

Thor moves toward the overworked Hulk and his fellow teammates, "We won. Good work gentlemen."

The green gradually subsides from their larger friend, rapidly shrinking down to his human frame. Tony runs forward to catch his disoriented friend first, met by Steve next and Thor last. Banner's eyes are slow to open. Tony moves to support him on his feet, soft in his tone;

"You good there buddy?"

He searches frantically, clouded mind elsewhere;

"Where's Natasha?"

. . . . . . . . . .

Banner walks briskly toward the emergency unit within headquarters, eager to see the redhead through the clear medical window. He stands frozen beside a motionless Barton in Tony's borrowed pants and quarter-sleeved top.

Clint mumbles upon his arrival. He's been biting his lip and tugging at his short hair, completely stressed out and on edge over his best friend's condition, "They're checking her over. Running an MRI again. She's got some fractures but she started breathing on her own so..."

Bruce refuses to answer, swallowing hard as he stares blankly. He shakes his head with the twisting of his jaw. He's reliving a nightmare: someone he loves suffering because of him.

Clint taps his shoulder, "I'll be right back."

Bruce bites the inside of his lip, suddenly taken by emotion as his chest collapses and his heart aches. His pulse picks up slightly as a lump forms in his throat over seeing Natasha in her fragile position. That wasn't Romanoff. She is agile and strong. She bounces back quickly. Jumps on his desk with her shoulder a bloody mess and acts like it's nothing. The woman who takes a knife to her flesh lines a champ and tolerates a bullet. She's usually vibrant, not colorless.

His eyes shut tight as he pivots to punch a nearby wall in a fit of pure, inconsolable, rage. His fist moves to hit twice in rapid succession, head low as his breathing falters. Moving a hand over his forehead he gives into a scream. His head falls into the wall, hands pressed on the corner. For the first time in a while her safety is out of his control. She is beyond a few sutures and too far for a comforting smirk or touch he's come to know and miss.

Banner shuts his eyes tighter until the stars start to form and his mind is dizzy. He's whispering subconsciously as Barton bravely moves close enough to listen but far enough to watch without being seen. His heart breaks as Banner's voice cracks. He curses's his fault. It always is.

"Come on, Natasha...don't. Don't do this."

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