Tiny Dancer

521 18 1

Natasha is laying back on the edge of the sofa with her feet propped up comfortably on Barton's lap.

Bruce is in a chair closest to her, crashing a team night for the first time in forever. He has an open book in hand while Thor's requested horror film plays in the background of the common area.

The team are all quickly learning that Tony doesn't handle jump scares quite as well as Pepper, laughing when he flings popcorn into his girlfriend's lap.

The woman stands with an icy focus to brush herself off;

"This is the third time you've done this. I'm going to have butter stains on my favorite pair of white jeans."

Tony whispers guiltily, "Sorry Pep, I love you! Forgive me?! I'll buy you a new pair?"

"A nicer pair?"

"A nicer pair- the best."

Rogers shakes his head, occupying his own sofa on the sidelines with a penicillin and sketchbook on his lap;

"You realize you keep 'accidentally' either knocking her in the face or spilling on her lap right?"

"We've established that, yes!" Tony growls.

Clint chuckles evilly, receiving a kick in the side from Romanoff.

Steve is adding pressure to his pencil, "I feel bad for Pepper. You could be a little nicer."

Potts settles back on the couch and points, "He can stay; I like you, Steve."

"Oh! Oh really?!" Tony throws a handful of popcorn toward Steve's face in retaliation.

Thor opens his mouth and addresses the engineer, "Fire toward me! I am quite good at this game!"

Pepper widens her eyes over the scene, hesitant to settle back into her place, "Oh, my god. No!"

The demigod catches on in hand and nods toward Pepper, "Lady Potts! You just join in the fun! Catch!"

"No! No, Thor I don't catch-!"

Tony leans over in her place, opens his mouth and succeeds.

Bruce mumbles from behind his book, "Natasha's next."

"Wow! Alright. What do I get if I catch it?" Romanoff laughs.

"Bragging rights."

She refocuses on her target, watching the popcorn fly over her head and into her mouth.

Barton claps playfully, "Amazing. So skillful. The circus would hire you in a minute."

Natasha reaches her arm up and back toward Banner, "Okay, Bruce is next. What are you reading back there, anyways?"

Bruce swaps his books, hiding the inner paperback and hands her the outer one. She accepts and skims through the pages;

"Psychology, huh?"

"Yep," he lies, sharing his actual read with a nosey Barton. The archer squints to see the actual book Banner holds up, offering a smirk over the clear subject matter on outsmarting a spy.

Bruce quickly tucks away when Natasha lifts her head to look behind her. He shrugs. She looks back toward Clint who refocuses on the movie.

Stark grumbles having witnessed the encounter from the floor;

"You two are tag-teaming. I just haven't figured out why. Know that I don't like it. He's my buddy, Barton! Not yours."

Thor leans forward as he calls for Steve's attention;

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