Chapter Six - The Call

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After lunch, I went upstairs to my room so I could just take a break from working. I was laying on top of my bed with my eyes closed, listening to the silence of my room when all of a sudden, my phone was ringing.

Who could that be? I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and looked at the screen.

"Mother," I read out loud quietly. Last year when I went over to visit her for a week, I found out that she was engaged to a man and he had children of his own. She didn't even tell me about this man until she was engaged to him.

When she told me that she was going to be moving in with them, it kind of made me upset. Why would she become someone else's mother and live with them when she didn't even want to live with her own daughter? I didn't decide to let it get to me much since she's not in my life much. She calls rarely and I spend a week over at her place during the summers.

I picked up the phone and greeted her, "Hello Mother."

"Y/n! It's been so long!" Mother says excited to hear me, "How have you been?"

"Not that well, Papa's selling the ranch soon and we'll have to move into the city somewhere," I informed her.

"Yeah, your father told me," she said already knowing, "But anyways, let's try not think about the negative things. I called you because I wanted to ask you to come visit me for a bit."

"Oh really? When?" I asked sounding excited. Try not to think about the negative things? Well you're one of them. I love my mother, but it sounded like she didn't want me to express my emotions toward the ranch being sold, it's whatever though, she probably doesn't even care.

"I was thinking this Saturday's good for me," Mother says. Uh oh, that's the day of the show jumping competition. I gotta come up with an excuse

"Ooh, uhm, I don't think I can go that day," I say to Mother.

"Why not? If your father wants you to do something, I can tell him to give you a break for a day," she says.

"Well you see," I began, "I was- thinking about- going over to- hang out with Alan." Oh my God, why did I pause so much?

"Oh well, how about I pick you up in the morning and I'll drop you off back home after we eat out for lunch?" she asks totally buying my excuse. That sounds good, the show jumping competition isn't until later in the afternoon.

"That works with me," I tell her, "I'll go tell Alan that we'll have to change our meet up, bye Mother."

"Bye Sweetheart," my mother says before hanging up.

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