Chapter One - Bad News

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I pushed the button on top to make it stop and the alarm clock read 5:30am. I opened the curtains in my room and see the horse barn.

"I wonder how Stardust Tamaki is doing," I wonder to myself out loud. Stardust Tamaki is, as you guessed, my beautiful dark palomino horse. I put on a casual shirt and tuck it into my jeans before going downstairs to eat breakfast. My papa's already downstairs cooking a full breakfast. I can hear the bacon sizzling on the pan and smell the delicious hash browns. There's probably also plain scrambled eggs and sweet apple juice waiting for me.

I go downstairs and take a seat at the table in the kitchen while my papa places my breakfast on the table.

"Thank you, Papa," I thank.

"No problem," he replies with a bit of a nervous tone in his voice. I look up to my papa while I eat. He has his left elbow leaning on the table and his left hand on his face. Papa looks like he has something on his mind.

"May I ask why you seem nervous?" I asked Papa concerned.

"Yes, I have some news. What will happen will affect our every day lives Y/n," Papa finally said.

"What kind of news?" I asked curiously. I don't know what to expect, but I hope it's good. Maybe I could go visit my mother for bit. I do miss her quite a lot. It's quite interesting in the city, but I do prefer living on the ranch. Or maybe we're getting another horse. We only have three horses that live in our horse barn. I wish we had a stable, but we're a small ranch. Still, I love my horse, Stardust Tamaki along with my father's horse, Comet, and my best friend, Alan Buckaroo's, horse named Rocket.

"Well, I wish I didn't have to say this," Papa slowly began, "But I'm selling the ranch."

"What?!" I replied. How could my father sell the place I've lived in ever since I was born, the place where I learned everything from? This can't be happen, it can't happen!

"You're joking right?" I say to Papa knowing that he wasn't. Why could this possibly be happening?

"I wish I was joking," Papa says sadly, "I simply cannot afford to keep the ranch anymore-"

"Where would we live? What would happen to Stardust Tamaki?" I interrupted sounding worried. I love Stardust Tamaki, he's my best friend. Yeah, Alan is my best friend. He's been my best friend since kindergarten, but I feel like Stardust Tamaki understands me more. I could say anything to Stardust Tamaki and he wouldn't judge me. Sure, he's a horse, but when I'm with him, I always feel happy and secure.

"Well, we would probably live in the city and I'd probably have a small job or become a pastor again. Stardust Tamaki will still live here, but with whoever will be the new owner or whatever the owner decides to do with him," Papa answers.

"I can't believe this," I say upset as I stand up from the table and started to walk out of the house.


"Please just leave me alone" I say cutting him off while slamming the front door shut.

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