CH 15) The Dance [Edited]

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This is crazy.

Is it really though?

He would find out anyway when we talk,

I assume we will talk eventually.


I just need to do this. I have done this so many times.

Of course I never know anyone normally when I preform. But who cares I am good at this I know that.

But I have never written and preformed my own songs before.


"Ready America?" The lead guitarist says.

"Yeah, are you all set up already?"

"Yeah." He says looking kind of annoyed at my question. Almost like saying we're professionals. We have people who can set up quick.

"Awesome, I just need a minute,"

I am kind of hyperventilating. But it is okay.

Who am I kidding I can't do this! Maxon will here these songs and know they are about him!

This is awful!


Where is she? She is so late.

"Marlee do you know if America made it here?"

"No, she said she had to do a few more things before she came."

"Do you think she bailed because I talked to her?"

"That's not like her, I mean she has been very distressed lately."

"Should I go see if she is back stage?"

"Yeah, I guess we could check back at the dorm?"

"No, you guys enjoy the dance I will look back stage. If she isn't there then I will go to your dorm."

"Okay, just text Carter if you need any help,"

I run backstage and there she is, looking so beautiful but nervous.


"Maxon! What are you doing back here?" She says sounding very frazzled.

"I came to make sure you were here, it's been like half an hour since you were supposed to go on."

"Really? Half an hour? Ugh! I am awful at this!"

"No, I have never seen you preform but I am going to take a guess and say you are amazing at this."

"No, I have been having a little panick attack back here."

"Why? Is it my fault, because if so I am truly sorry."

"I mean I am a little frazzled because you are going to hear my songs. Most of them are about you. It's kind of embarrassing."

"Why? It's just me." I look deep in to her eyes when I say this so she knows I mean it and it's from my heart.

"That's the point, your you and I'm me. Look, I know I said that if I knew why I would be okay but I really am not okay. And I know this sounds awful but i kind of wanted you to not be okay too. God I am an awful person!" She says not looking at me.

"America, I am not okay either. I want to be with you as more than friends but it just isn't possible."

"Then I don't think I can go here anymore. Bye Your Majesty," she says curtsying and going on stage.

Maxerica Illean School Selection (A Maxerica love story)Where stories live. Discover now