Ch 14) Leaving? [Edited]

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America has been held up in her room for the whole week! She won't leave won't go to classes, go out, do anything. I love America like a sister but I don't know what to do!

Carter said Maxon's been doing the same thing, not leaving his room or going to class!

I hear America strumming her guitar and humming a melody I have never heard before.

"Ames what songs that?" I say walking in her room.

"It's one of the news ones I wrote for the dance. Since I'm leaving I have to pay all my scholarship fund that I have used so far back. The principle said that I could start and pay most of it back by playing at the dance. So thats what I'm doing writing songs for the dance. They got me a band and everything. I could use some back up singers if you're interested? Not for the whole dance obviously I want you to have fun I just need some back up on a few songs. You in?"

"I guess, I just don't think you should be leaving in the first place. Especially for a guy! He should not be the reason you are leaving."

"We have every class together, he sits next to me, and we are partners in every classes Marlee! Also, Marls I loved him and he dumped me out of no where. If we broke up over a longer time period I wouldn't be leaving. Take it up with him why he broke up with me in a day. I was blindsided I thought we were doing so good. Why did he break up with me? Can you tell me that? If you can I will stay and tough it out."

"Ames, I really don't know, I wish I did-"

"Then please leave me to write."

I walk out of her room and get straight to working on Maxon's reasons. I text Carter,

Hey babe do you know why Maxon broke up with America?

You know I don't why you asked me before remember?

Ames said she'll stay if she knows the reason why he broke up with her

I'll try to get it out of him then. For you😏

Thanks babe😘

Carter(different POV now not text)

I need to figure this out for my Marlee.

"Hey Maxon, so why did you break up with America?" I just want to know so I can tell Marlee and be done with this.

"I already told you I am not telling you. The only person I would even think about telling is America, but she isn't talking to me."

"So if America came up to you and asked you why you broke up with her you would tell her?" I asked hurrily,

"I guess yeah." He sounds uncomfortable.

"Can't you just tell her without her asking?"

"I don't want her to think I am making up excuses though, I had a valid reason to break up with her and I can't go back."

"Well, if you don't tell her why, she is going to leave Carolina Academy and you'll never see her again!"

"She's leaving? Why?" He asks panicked.

"The only reason I can think of is you because you purposely made it so you two had all the same classes. What person wants to see the ex that broke up with them everyday?" I ask in a duh tone.

"You have a point I guess," he mumbles.

"So Marlee was telling me if she knew why you broke up with her she would stay."

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