CH 2) The Decision [Edited]

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The same day as previous chapter

"I can't! I won't! I like where I go to school, I will not switch schools just to get to possibly meet a prince! I don't even want to get to know him! He seems stuck up and snobbish! So no I will not switch schools even though I got a scholarship. I wouldn't even go if the principal and the prince personally came to our door and invited me!"

"America please it would be a wonderful thing for your future if you went to Carolina academy."

"A more prestigious high school/boarding school will get you in to a better college kitten. Don't you want a better future then your mother could give you. Don't you want to give your children a better chance for a better life than you had?"

"I do! I just...I just don't want to leave my friends," I really just didn't want to leave my boyfriend Aspen. But my parents don't know about him, so can't really talk about him or use him as a reason to stay.

"I'll think about it, okay?" I have to talk to Aspen I also have a surprise for him that doesn't have to do with all this.

Later that night with Aspen walking after curfew

"So Mer what did you want to tell me?"

"Well I have the chance to go to a boarding school but I don't want to leave you. What should I do?"

"I don't know Mer I would love for you to stay, but I know that you have to go, it's such a good opportunity you can't pass it up."

"I know! But I'm just going to miss you so much Aspe (nickname pronounced "As-p")."

"I'm going to miss you too but I just want what's best for you, so I think you should go."

"Okay but before I tell my parents that I'm going to Carolina academy boarding school, I have a surprise for you!"I said all jittery. I really hope he likes it!

"Does that mean I can take off the blindfold now?"

"Yes, take it off,"

He took of the blindfold in a gingerly fashion and when he saw the food I had bought for us to eat together, I didn't see the reaction I thought I would see. I thought he would look happy but his face turned from questioning to disgust then finally settling on anger?

"Mer, what are you trying to prove here? That you have more money than me? That you are better than me, just because you're a five and can buy me dinner? Well news flash Mer, I will not be BOUGHT! I don't think we should see each other anymore."

"What? Asp what are talking about? You don't mean that! You said that you loved me! And that you would never stop loving me!"

"Things change Mer, people change too. I guess we just drifted apart,"

"But I still love you! I haven't drifted apart from you!"

"I have. Bye Mer I have to go. Have fun at Carolina academy boarding school," then he was gone.

That's my first chapter in America's point of view hope you liked it! Bye! 👍

Maxerica Illean School Selection (A Maxerica love story)Where stories live. Discover now