Chapter 33. Burning souls

Start from the beginning

Theo's heart was beating rapidly fast right now as he could hear it in his ears. He found himself wanted to run out and search for Luna, perhaps just to make sure she was still alive. He wanted to thank her, he wasn't sure for what but he just wanted to thank her.

"We're on the third floor, near charms classroom," Blaise explained. "I can't see anything but it sounds like there's something going on  further down the hallway...Yeah, there's definitely people fighting down there."

"If it's safe, go," said Tonks, "wait for us outside."

They slipped past the door until they reached the hallway, and Theo realized the door they came through disappeared. They studied the noises and lights beaming from the corner.

"Okay," said Tonks. "I need to find Remus, and I know you two," she said gesturing to Blaise and Draco. "Want to find the girls. We need to split up.  There's no point in us all heading up to the towers. I.. feel awful for leaving you though-

"Look, you go," said Blaise. "Do what you need to do and we'll sort ourselves out. It's fine."

"Tonks, you should go," said Draco. "You need to get all the way to the top. Just go."

Tonks looked unwilinigly to leave but patted her hands on Draco's shoulders and said something quitley to him that Theo couldn't hear from all the other noises and shadows that were creeping in.

Tonks turned to all of them. "All of you, be careful."

Theo watched as Tonks disappeared slowly and he felt more uneasy as the loud screams and noises became louder.

"Look," said Blaise, "I'm going to head off by myself to find Luna-

"Perhaps we should stay together," reasoned Millicent. "The order might not realize we're fighting on their side."

"I can't ask you lot to find Luna with me. It's my issue, so i will deal with it."

"Same here," said Draco. "I need to get to Granger and I'll do it alone. There's not sense in us sticking together when we all have different plans."

"He's right," said Miles. "Okay, well, Tracey, Millicent, Theo, and myself will-

"Hold it," said Theo cutting him off as he tried to find the right words. "I have some shit to do and i'm not dragging you lot into it."

"Okay," Miles continued, "Then the three of us will head to the great hall, maybe try and find Slughorn and let him know there are some Slytherins allies here. Good luck, you three. Try and catch up with us when you can."

"Will do." Blaise nodded. "Good luck."

The three companions removed there wand from there pockets and headed the opposite direction to Tonks. The Slytherins trio were quiet for moment, Theo didn't know what his friends were thinking but he sure was sacred. It all seemed to real now, he didn't think he'll ever be standing here fighting for the people he used to hate. A loud explosion broke there silence.

"Right," said Draco. "We could be running around for ages trying to find them. Knowing our luck, you'll find Granger and i'll find Lovegood, so I reckon we should meet up in half an hour, see if we can help each other out."

"Alright," Blaise nodded. "That makes sense. We should meet up in the corridor outside Binns' office, then. It's about halfway, it's close to some staircases, and it's quite well-hidden."

"Oh yeah, we used to meet there to skive or plot against the Gryffindors, didn't we?" mumbled Theo trying to not focus on the loud screams. "But you can count on me out of that. I won't need to exchange notes with you two."

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