Chapter twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Why Octavio?" I simply asked

He didn't say a word so I continued

"I thought we are family, you are my father best friend"

He started to laugh like a madman

"Best friend are you serious? I never hated someone like I hated your pathetic father"

I frowned at him

"What this is the truth the day he passed away was a the best day of my life"

"Why you played the hypocrite then?"

He sighed deeply

"At the beginning we were friends or at least that what I thought until he broke my heart"

"What do you mean?"

"He took Claudia from me, she was my first and only love" He yelled

What my mum he was in love with his best friend's wife

"I know what you are thinking, how can I be in love with my best friend's wife, but if he had not steal her she would have been MY wife the mother of MY children because I saw her first. But no your bastard father thought just about himself like always!"

"You still stayed by his side" I said

"I needed him back then and like we say if you want to defeat your enemy you have to stay close"

"I don't believe what you said, my mum and father loved each other endlessly and knowing my mother she wouldn't accept to marry my father if she felt something for someone else"

"He didn't let her time to love me, if he didn't intervene I am sure Claudia would chose me not this loser" He groaned stood up and barged his hand on his desk

"This loser you speak about helped you to achieve all your goals, I didn't know you are an ungrateful bastard" This time it was me who yelled. I admit that after my mum's death my relation with my father deteriorated but I can't accept someone talk about him like that.

"Yes he helped me but that don't change the fact I had a miserable life because of him. Do you know how I felt every time I saw them together happy? How I felt every time I knew that she is pregnant again with his children? My hatred only increased with the years"

"So I guess you were very happy when you saw him suffering after her death" I asked

"He was him who was to die that day not my Claudia" He said softly his eyes full of pain and maybe... regrets

"What do you mean" I said taking a step towards him

He sat on his chair again and replied

"It was me who was responsible of the attack that day; Claudia didn't suppose to be there... I wanted to kill your father so after I can be with your mother and give her all the love she deserved. But he was once again lucky"

I couldn't control my anger I jumped on him and kept punching him on his face

"You bastard you are the one who deprive me and my siblings from our mother's love just for you selfish needs... I will kill you!"

Mateo pulled me after Octavio's face was a complete mess.

"It was an accident never I wouldn't have killed the love of my life"

We stared at each other for a long moment.

"What happened made me angry and your father had to pay for this it was his entire fault."

"What did you do?"

"Let's say I just helped him, he didn't support his loss and I pushed him to dive himself in the alcohol like the pathetic man he was it was easy so I kept drugging him from time to time until he died. I was happy but that didn't last, my thirst for revenge was intact... I wanted to take all his fortune but I couldn't back then. You were more intelligent than I though and the help you had from your father's friend kept me far from you. I waited until now the plan was almost perfect... almost"

"I have always considered you like a father and because I am not a bastard like you I will kill you without torture but before that I will assure you that I will take care of your daughter and her child." He looked at me with an intense stare

"Yes she said me everything and I can't imagine how you did all of this for your own flesh and blood... Anyway I want you to tell me where is Michele?"

After along silent I added

"Consider it like your last good gesture before your death"

He took his phone and after that I received a message

"I send you the position" He said softly. We stared at each other

I pointed my gun at him

"Do you want to say something?" I asked

"Say... say to-to Lucia that I am sorry"

I nodded and shot three times on the head.

I walked to him, closed his eyes and stormed from there. Despite everything he did and despite the fact he deserved this, killed him was more painful than I thought so I didn't turn around.

The only thing I needed at this moment was to see Valentina.

In my way I thought about what happened in this last few days, if there is something I learnt is the love can bring out the best in us even as the worst.


Surprise update 😉

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