Harry nodded absently.

"So you think you're broom is good enough to be sold."

The man nodded.

"Yes. Usually if someone comes up with a good broom design they either sell it to a company, start their own company which takes a lot of money, or just keep it to themselves. I'm an average guy. I don't have the money to make my own company and if I sold it I would barely make what it cost to make this one broom." He snapped.

Harry looked over the broom again.

"Is this the final copy?" he asked.

"Not completely." The man said. "It needs a few more charms and some I can't do myself. I would need a charms master to put the safety charms on it also before it would be able to be sold."

Harry ran his fingers over the broom.

"What name did you have in mind?"

The man sighed in resignation.

"I had wanted to call it the firebolt."

Harry gave a small smirk.

"And if I was interested in funding your research and building, would you take some more time to make it even better"

"Of course." The man answered idly not fully listening.

"How much would you need?"

"To get the safety charms, around a hundred galleons to hire a charms master for a day.. For the research about the same amount. For the materials about the same amount also as I can get a good deal. But to actually make more then just one I would have to sell it to some company or sell them as I make them. If I did that I would still need a contract with a business to sell them in. That would take some influence or money."

He sighed again. Harry tallied it up and silently thought a moment.

"So if I gave you about five hundred galleons you could start to improve on it and make more."



The man nodded absently. Then he gave a great jolt and leapt to his feet.

"What?! You would do that!?"

Harry nodded. Then the man looked suspicious.

"What would you want for it?"

"A part of the profit obviously."

"How much?"

Harry thought a moment.

"Thirty percent."

The man thought a moment.

"Deal. But how can a kid like you get the money."

Harry gave a smirk. He had quite a bit in the vault his godfather and father left him.

"Inheritance of sorts." He replied.

"And you would do it, trusting me?"

"We write up a contract and I'll give you the money. I can also help you get a contract with a business to sell with when the time comes."

The man held out a hand.


They shook and the partnership began.


Harry pulled his hair back and tied it with some twine. He brushed the dirt off his ragged pants and coat and looked at the taller kid beside him. The kid appeared to be fifteen with brown hair and brown eyes.

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