The Dreams - Part Two

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*Check part one to be reminded of the disclaimers**
Lena scowled with wide eyes as she let go of Kara's hand and walked over to the window, looking out at the city below her, before turning around to address Kara. "What do you mean, how can I be on Krypton? I thought Krypton exploded." Kara smiled a little before patting the bed next to her, "Come sit, let me explain what's going on." Lena nodded before walking back over to the bed and sitting next to Kara. "Krypton did explode, and you aren't really here. I guess you could say you're on the version of Krypton that lives in my memories."

Lena motioned her head forward in an encouraging gesture as if to say 'go on' and Kara seemed to get the message. "When I landed on Earth, Kal-El brought me to live with the Danvers almost immediately after I was found. For over a week I didn't sleep a wink, I mean how could I when I'd already been asleep for the past 24 years, and when I had just lost everything what felt like yesterday? When I finally slept for the first time, I had a dream that I was back on Krypton, and my adoptive sister Alex was there with me, and then the same thing happened the next night, and then Eliza was in my dream, and then every single night I was having these oddly realistic way too vivid lucid dreams that always included a member of my adoptive family in them."

The ravenette couldn't take her eyes off of Kara as she listened to her every word with incredible fascination, little by little her understanding of the situation growing as the blonde continued to speak. "Then one night when Alex and I were supposed to be going to bed, she confronted me about the dreams. She expressed to me that she had had multiple dreams with me in them since I had arrived, and that a lot of them were in a strange city that she was sure she'd never seen before. That was when we both came to the crazy realization that I was somehow transporting her and her parents minds into my dreams."

Lena was in complete awe, she thought Kara's abilities were extraordinary before, but this was just on a whole other level. "The next day we told Eliza what was going on, and after doing some tests on my brain and looking at my neural pathways and all that, she was able to determine a few things. First of all, everything to do with the dreams is pretty much out of my control. I can't choose the location of the dream, and I can't choose who's in the dream with me. We also determined based on my own experience in the dreams, that my body reacts to whatever environment I'm in just like if it were real life, for example if I'm Krypton then I can't use my powers."

The younger woman began to process the information she had just been given, and she definitely had a lot of questions, "S-s0, is that where I am right now? In your dream?" Kara nodded. "I'm just a little confused, we've known each other for over four years, why is this the first time I've ever been in a dream?" The blonde reporter nodded again as she said, "Right, that. Well we've figured out over time that the way whoever is in the dream is chosen isn't completely random. My subconscious chooses someone to be in my dream with me either because they are in close proximity with me, or because they are the last person I had a strong emotional connection with."

Lena scowled a little, still confused as to why this was her first time here, Kara continued, "I've learned to keep track of my connections with people throughout the day and make note of who I think is most likely to be in my dream with me based on my interactions with everyone close to me. After I met you, I can't tell you how many times I was sure you'd be the one in the dream, but you never were. The reason for this, I've since realized, is that Alex would come over for Pizza and movies all the time, or I would vent to Winn after work about my day, and these things were so comfortable and normal to me that I didn't even register them as 'strong emotional connections' but of course they were. Alex is my sister and Winn is like my platonic soulmate."

The ravenette nodded in understanding before responding, "So when you would hang out with one of them in the evening, they would become your most recent connection, canceling out whatever connection you and I might have had before that." "Exactly, and then when everything went to shit, Alex basically moved in with me for months. I spent too many nights to count screaming out my frustrations to her, or venting endlessly to her, or sobbing hysterically and brokenly into her shoulder until I was too tired to keep crying. And because of that, for months Alex was the only person in the dreams, and it became a routine. It was like an utterly normal part of both of our lives, so much so that I stopped taking note of my interactions with people throughout my day and I didn't even notice if Alex and I even had a connection or not, because she had been the only one in the dreams for so long."

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