"But you're right. I should get back to school." Sighed Adrien shouldering his bag and heading out of the Agreste manor after informing Natalie.

Adrien got down at school and walked across the courtyard just as Marinette walked out of the classroom. Adrien noticed that she was stressed by her body posture and she seemed to be talking to herself. 

"Hey, Marinette!" Shouted Adrien in hopes of catching the girl's attention.

Marinette's head snapped up as she tried to locate the source of the voice she very well knew and loved.

"Chat...?" Whispered Marinette searching back and forth.

"Down here!" Called the same voice again and Marinette looked down onto the courtyard only to find Adrien looking up at her.

The disappointment in her eyes was very clear as she had expected her kitty to be waiting for her.

"Oh. Hey, Adrien." Waved Marinette still not sure why she had confused Adrien with Chat Noir.

"Where are you going?" Asked Adrien jogging up the steps to join Marinette.

Adrien stopped right in front of the girl and the blush that now coated his cheeks was very well evident. 

"I was late for class and Miss Mendeleiev asked me to go to the principal's office. Not much of a surprise there." Sighed Marinette adjusting her bangs.

"W-well... I'm late too. So why don't we skip class till the lunch break?" Asked Adrien nervously not knowing where he was getting the idea from.


"Come on! It'll be fun. Besides, who would like to get stuck in detention for the rest of the morning?" Asked Adrien still wondering whether this was a good idea.

"But I still have to visit the principal." Sighed Marinette.

She knew that she would get in trouble later on if she didn't do as Miss Mendeleiev had asked her to and she knew that she couldn't say no to Adrien. He was her friend after all.

"You know what? Okay. But I'm going to meet Mr Damocles first." Concluded Marinette smiling at Adrien.

Adrien beamed and vigorously nodded, pushing Marinette towards Mr Damocles's office.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Giggled Marinette seeing Adrien's enthusiasm.

After one whole lecture on why punctuality is important, Marinette joined Adrien in the hallway.

"Ready?" He asked grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Are you sure about this? Won't you get in trouble with your father?" Asked Marinette still worried on Adrien's behalf.

"Not if we don't get caught." Smirked Adrien.

"Please! You're the most famous model here in Paris. Who wouldn't notice you walking around in the streets at this time of day?" Shuddered Marinette thinking of all the fans chasing them around.

"Not if we ask Gorilla to give us a ride." Winked Adrien.

Marinette watched as Adrien took his phone out and called his bodyguard. She knew that Adrien wasn't the type to lie but he was basically telling his driver that he had a competition with his friend.

"What?" Asked Marinette as Adrien placed his phone in his bag.

"I told him that we had a competition but I didn't tell him where or what kind of competition it was."

Marinette shook her head but a small smile played on her lips.

"Come on! We have to go before the lunch break starts!" Smiled Adrien taking Marinette's hand in his and guiding her to the entrance of the school. 

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