chapter three

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


much to gracie's dismay, she had been dragged along with the girls to cheer try-outs. she sat in the bleacher's in the back, wishing she was anywhere but the school gym.

"hm. ladies, where's the heat? where's the sizzle?" cheryl asked, seemingly unimpressed with betty and veronica's performance.

"well, you haven't seen our big finish yet." veronica pulled betty by the sleeve and whispered: "don't freak out, just trust me." before pulling the blonde into a kiss.

gracie was finally paying attention and her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. 

cheryl was still severely unimpressed. "check your sell-by date ladies." she crossed her arms. "faux-lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994. let's see if you do better with the interview portion." she pursed her lips. "betty, how's your sister doing?"

"u-um, polly's f-fine. thanks for asking." betty stuttered.

"veronica, has betty told you about her sister?"

"uh, no?"

"go ahead, betty. tell veronica about your sister and my dear brother."

"polly and jason dated."

"i wouldn't say dated." cheryl said.

"it didn't end well." betty added.

"in fact, jason's probably the reason why your sister had a nervous breakdown and now lives in a group home. isn't it?"

"that's what my parents think." the cooper girl nodded.

"what do you have to say about that betty?" cheryl raised an eyebrow. "go ahead, the floor is yours. whatever you've been dying to spew about jason and how he treated polly... unleash it. destroy me. tear me a new one, rip me to shreds. annihilate me."

betty's hands tightened into a fist, her nails sinking into her skin. "i just..." she began.

"finally." cheryl sighed.

"—i just wanted to say i'm sorry." she released her tight grip. "—about what happened to jason." she tried to pace her breathing so she could calm down. "i can't even imagine what you and your family must be going through."

"right." cheryl took it in. "veronica, welcome to the river vixens. betty— better luck ned time." she finished with gritted teeth.

"wait, what?" veronica frowned. "why? because you couldn't bully betty into being a bitch?"

"i need girls with fire on my squad." the redhead replied calmly, briefly glancing at gracie.

FIRE AND ICE , c. blossom Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz