chapter two

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"many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally." cheryl addressed the student body, as the stood behind the podium in all black clothing, paying respects to her late-twin, jason blossom. "each and every one of you meant the world to jason. i loved my brother. and he was, and will always be my soulmate. so i speak with the confidence that only a twin could have: jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. he would want us to move on with our lives. which is why i've asked the school board not to cancel the back-to-school semi-formal."
people began to clap and gracie glanced at her brother and they shared a grim look.
"but rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively, and celebrate my brother's too-short life on this mortal coil. thank you, all."
gracie began to clap aswell, to join in with her fellow students. her gaze was completely fixed on cheryl-- until she caught her staring back at her. 


"okay, dude, to clarify, that's you singing?" gracie asked.

archie looked at his best friend with hopeful eyes. "why, is it bad?"

she chuckled, "it doesn't totally suck." she teased.

"hey, can i sit?" veronica asked the group, suddenly appearing at their table with her lunch tray.

betty was pulled out of her trance of admirational staring at the andrews boy. "yeah, of course."

veronica nodded in thanks, sliding in next to kevin and gracie. "what are we doing?" she half asked the question to the brunettes, and half to the rest of the group.

"listening to one of archie's songs." kevin answered for gracie, who was too busy eyeing up veronica's hermes bag. "i thought we were gonna have to pretend to like it, but it's actually really good!" he said in un-camoflauged disbelief.

"wait, that was something you wrote and sang?"

"it's rough." archie shrugged.

"no, it's great." betty smiled warmly.

"it's incredible, actually. the little snippet i heard, at least. is that your thing? music? are you doing something with that?"

kevin grinned at the blatant jealousy betty was showing due to how veronica had grabbed archie's attention. gracie just rolled her eyes. 

"yeah, that's the plan." he nodded. "so, how's your first day going, good?"

the lodge girl shrugged. "okay, not to be a complete narcissist, but i thought people would be more—"

FIRE AND ICE , c. blossom Where stories live. Discover now