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  • Dedicated to Sir Leo Rojas --our teacher, our mentor, our friend

My best friend was now my boyfriend! Yes, I know. It's kind of cheesy for me to say that. But I couldn't help it! I'm just one happy girl.

When I told Mer about the real thing between me and Ryan, she just rolled her eyes and said, "The reason why the two of you are best friends is because both of you are so clueless about your feelings for each other. I always knew you two would end up together."

I chuckled and held my tongue from telling her that she belonged to the trio of clueless for she was clueless herself.

Luke was kind of angry at me for not helping him out with Ryan. He wouldn't talk to me. I guess My singing days with their band was over.

Franco and I exchanged messages once in a while. He said he was doing fine and would be visiting me this Christmas.

Mark, well who could have guessed, he and I became close friends. Of course, he still calls me Dumbo but I knew it was just his way of showing how fond he was of me. I was used to him calling me that anyway.

Ryan was kind of upset that Franco was my first kiss. But he solved the problem by giving me one long, super electrifying, knees-buckling, toes-curling, hot kiss. He was one great kisser.

As for the curse, Mer was right all along. Mom did make it up! She told me she had said it because she wanted me not to have a boyfriend yet until graduation for fear that I would also leave her. Then she had forgotten about her telling me about the curse.

If I didn't love my mom, I would disown her for giving her only daughter a very traumatic childhood. She said she was sorry. She also said she thought I would not even believe her story about that curse.

"My state of love life was not because of the curse," she said. "I was just born unlucky, I guess."

She's cool about me and Ryan together. She and Ryan's mom were kinda hoping Ryan and I would end up together someday. Mothers.

"See, I told you the curse isn't real," Ryan told me one afternoon. He was seated behind the counter table of our house, waiting for my cupcakes to cool on the rack.

"I know. I could have saved a lot of hysterical and theatrical moments if mom only had told me the truth." I placed a cupcake on a small plate and handed it to Ryan.

He removed the paper and took a bite of the cupcake. He seemed to enjoy it. But I remembered what Mer had said about my horrible cupcakes. "Ry, tell me the truth. Do you really like my cupcakes? You don't find them horrible?"

"You know that I will always love you no matter what, right Ky?"



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