Chapter 1

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"It's been a year since Eragon left and in that year none of the eggs he sent over have hatched?" Nausada asked as she stared into the brown mirror. She was hoping that what Arya had said was a joke. "There are so many people in Ellesmera right now, and very few dragon eggs. We don't know when the dragons will hatch, or for whom. So we have to go and take them from city to city and race to race." Arya responded from the other side of the mirror.

Nausada sighed and took a moment to organize her thoughts before speaking again. "So tell me again what are we supposed to do if an egg hatches in our... domain?" Nauasda asked. "Once a dragon finds his or her rider, they are to be trained and then sent to Eragon when the dragon turns of age." Arya responded.

"And until they turn of age?" Nausada inquired. Arya paused and spoke slowly. "They are to be trained." Arya said. "Yes. But where are they to be trained?" Nausada asked. Arya looked away from the mirror as if someone was talking to her. "I agree with that, but I don't believe the other races would agree. Also, what if the rider is but a child in their respectable races eyes?" Arya paused as if listening then turned to Nausada. "We believe that the riders should be trained by their own kind. So where they are found is where they should be trained."

There was a pause as Nausada was trying to figure out who else was with Arya. After a few seconds Nausada spoke. "That sounds reasonable Arya drottning. I will talk with Orik and Orin about what we have said."Nausada responded. "But who were you talking to? If I am to go and tell Orik and Orrin about this who am I going to say gave you this idea? You of all people should know how stubborn men and dwarves can be especially when being told what they should do."

Arya chuckled. "That they would. You can tell them that Firnen believes it would be for the best, seen as how this has never happened before. He also thinks that the riders should learn their culture and their history before coming to us or going to Eragon." Nausada nodded. "It seems Firnen has grown very wise over the year. I will talk with Orik and Orrin and see what they say."

"Thank you Nausada." Arya said with a smile. "Oh! Before I forget, one of the eggs will be in Ilirea in a day or 2." Nausada stared at Arya. "Do you believe that this is wise? With all that is going on here in Ilirea it might not be the wisest thing." Nausada said.

"The egg has been to every race and every city that we know about and yours is the last we have to try before we send the egg back to Eragon and ask him to send another." Arya responded. "Can you delay it for a week?" Nausada asked. "I have problems that need fixing before I would even consider a dragon egg in Ilirea."

"I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle, I can't delay it another week, but I can delay it 3 more days." Arya said. "Thank you Arya. Hopefully we can get the-" Nausada started to say before the doors to her chamber slammed open. "Lady Nausada some more stuff is missing." A very out of breath Jormundor said.

"What is missing now?" Nausada asked. "A few candle sticks, some silverware, and a gold platter." Jormundor said."Why is it that the only stuff that goes missing is small and not worth much? It's like the person or people who are doing this are trying to take stuff that we would hardly miss." Nausada said putting the little brown magic mirror down thus ending Arya's conversation with her.

"It seems so. Although, Elva says it is one person. She says that the pain the person has is the same at every theft, although she can't seem to place where the thief is exactly, she can at least get a general area." Jormundor reported. "I would advise we post two guards at every entrance to the castle after hours for the thief seems to only come at night." Jormundor said.

"Do you think this plan will catch whoever this thief is?" Nausada asked. "I believe it will. my lady. It might also help with the black hand problem." Jormundor responded. "Let us hope so." Nausada replied before moving her hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn.

"It's getting late and I am tired." Nausada said. "My lady." Jormundor replied. Then he turned around and walked out of Nausada's chamber while closing the doors as he left. Nausada then changed into her night gown, got into bed, and went to sleep.

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