I guess Luke had those qualities.

"As for Franco," Mer continued, "mysterious, bad-boy type and knows how to fight, charming in a brooding sort of way."

Franco was full of thrill, and I would never be bored with him. And considering that he often gets chased by their rival gang, life with him would be filled with thrill and suspense.

"For Mark," Mer read her notes, "guy who is into sports, funny, we will consider his three goals for you as sweet."

"How about my cupcakes? They need to like my cupcakes," I stated.

"Only Ryan eats your cupcakes," Mer pointed out. "Even your mom finds it disgusting."

"Wow Mer, you just hurt my feelings." I settled my elbow on the table and propped my chin on my hand. "At least Ryan likes my cupcakes. I wish he's my secret admirer. That'll solve my problems."

"What did you just say?"

I looked at her with a blank expression. "Did I say anything?"

"You said --never mind. Anyway, among these three gorgeous guys, who do you like best?"

Hmm. Who did I like best? "I don't know. I can't decide." They all have these qualities that I suddenly find charming and irresistible, considering that I only made those up before. The curse was trying to wind itself in my life! How could I explain that I suddenly I found a boy-next-door, bad boy and a jock? And I was torn as to who I liked best. See? The curse was finally making its presence known.

"Do not think about the curse," Mer said as if reading my mind. "It's not the curse that brought these three gods in your life --its fate." She suddenly had this dreamy expression on her face as she sighed wistfully. "I wish I have a sun god for a boyfriend."

I chuckled at that thought. Mer and her ideas were sometimes hilarious.

"I just thought of something," Mer said, sort of with an expression as if an imaginary light bulb appeared above her head. "Speaking of gods, Luke could be our sun god. I think Mark would be perfect for the god of the sea role. And Franco would be our brooding mister god of the underworld. What do you think?"

"I think you just lost it, Mer," I answered, laughing at her casting for the role of gods of Olympus. "And who might I be in this story?"

"The mortal who these three gods are fighting over for."

"And who might you be?"

"Aphrodite of course! I thought it was already obvious?"

I chuckled as Ryan joined our table.

"And Ryan could be Zeus," Mer added as he eyed Ryan handing me a bar of dark chocolate. "Because Ryan always takes care and looks after you. Because mere mortal Kyla gets a chocolate. While goddess of love and beauty Meredith gets nothing. Bummer."

Ryan just chuckled at Mer's drama and handed her a brown paper bag. "Here you go, Mer."

She opened the paper bag and inspected its content. "Oooh! It's a shut-up-and-stop-whining chocolate chip cookie. Thanks Ryan, you're the best." She took a bit of the cookie and she dramatically closed her eyes as if savouring the taste of the cookie. "Hmmm. This is good."

"I knew you will like it," Ryan answered.

Mer schooled her expression and tried to look hurt. "First the salad for lunch, now chocolates for desert. Best friend Kyla receives the special treatment, while poor old best friend Mer gets neglected. I feel left out."

"But you said you don't eat plant food when I offered you salad. And you also said you don't like chocolate that much," Ryan explained.

Mer made a pout. "But I'm a best friend, too. I deserve a strawberry cheesecake."

From: Your Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now