The Trolls Offer

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       Bini hopped towards the old mean troll in excitement. When he got over to the troll, the trolled asked, "What can I help you with?" Bini smiled and then explained, "Wait! So you fell for a Giant? So now you want me to turn you into a human so you can be with your giant?" Bini nodded. "Fine but only for a price." 

       Bini looked confused then said, " What Price?" "To be a human you must be in my idol group, which also means you can't date for three years." The troll laughed evilly. Bini then accepted the offer, but only because of his love for the giant.

     After that Bini signed a contract and was turned into a human. He was happy but also sad because of the fact he had to wait for three years to be with his giant. Then the troll brought Bini to a big building where Idols worked. The troll went inside the building, then to a recording studio inside the building and Bini followed him." 

   Inside the building were two boys. The boys looked confused then the troll said "He's your new member." The troll walked off and one of the boys said "I'm Channie the leader welcome to two actually now that you're here it's three, welcome to 3racha. We're a hip-hop group." Channie smiled and It made Bini feel better about the offer. "I'm Hannie nice to meet you, " Said the other boy with a big smile. Bini smiled as well "I'm Bini." The three boys became the best of friends, even though one of them wasn't always a human. 

The Pigbunny that Fell in love with a Giant ~ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now