The day the Pigbunny Met his giant

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       Once there was a pig and a bunny. Even though it was forbidden for a Pig to fall for a bunny, the pig couldn't help it. After getting up the courage, the pig told the bunny how they felt. The bunny was so happy that they couldn't stop smiling. After a few years of the Pig and bunny being in love, the Pig asked the bunny to marry them and of course, the bunny said yes. They then got married and had a baby PigBunny which they named Bini but, because it was forbidden for a Pig and a Bunny to be in love Bini grew up in hiding. 

       Bini Grew up as a happy Pigbunny, even though he grew up hiding. One day, Bini decided he would stop hiding, and well he went out. When he was out he saw something he couldn't believe.

       He saw a Giant, but this giant was different. He was a very hot giant. First Bini couldn't believe his eyes but, then he fell for the giant. The giant was the only thing that Bini has ever wanted that bad before. 

       Bini ran home as fast as he could and told his parents. The Bunny told Bini about the troll that lived in the closet village. "Legend has it that there's an old mean troll who can turn the animals in the forest into humans." Bini was so excited that as soon as the Bunny stopped talking he went and packed some of his things. After he was done Bini told his parents farewell.

       Bini then went to the village. This was the first time he has ever gone to a village. He didn't know what to expect. He went through the village then found a tavern.  Inside this tavern was the old mean troll that the Bunny told him about. Bini was so happy, even though the troll was ugly and mean. Bini hopped towards the old mean troll in excitement! 

The Pigbunny that Fell in love with a Giant ~ChangjinWhere stories live. Discover now