| 10 : Troubled |

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Day 9

Following the earlier events, I returned to my quarters and fixed myself up before I went for breakfast.

"You're a little late this morning." Luca greeted.

"Yeah... I just got caught up in a couple of things." I laugh awkwardly and take my seat. "Adria isn't here?"

It was just me and Luca right now, Kace is probably still busy in the kitchen, while Adria isn't present.

"She went over to her beloved Dante, I believe."

"Ah... Good for her."

I take a couple of pancakes and drizzle more than enough syrup on it, basically drowning my pancakes, and I eat in silence. What happened earlier is only starting to sink in.

Being hugged by the prince? Witnessing him cry? That's a whole new side to the cocky jerk.

"Are you ok Riselle? You seem out of it."

"I'm doing just fine...-"

"The prince requested her to his quarters. He's been drinking ever since he returned from his duties." Kace waltzes in and takes his seat. He dines with us once he's finished with his duties for the meantime. "Did something happen between you two, that you did not like?"

"I'm pretty sure you should be asking if I did something that he didn't like." I chuckle apathetically. "But yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"The prince was insisting that we knew each other when we were kids. But I have no recollection of that... I probably shouldn't overthink it because he was drunk and all but, but it just bothers me."

"Well Riselle, Prince Rowan has some kind of weird obsession with you whether he is or isn't drunk, trust me. I've been with him for a while. But hey, Kace, you've been here since you were pretty young, perhaps you'd know something?" Luca asks.

The butler turns his head away from us. "I know nothing."

"For someone as stiff as you, you're pretty bad at lying." The mage narrowed his eyes, and Kace stays unresponsive.

"Ahh whatever. Let's just enjoy breakfast." I shrug the issue off and continue eating. It isn't good to pry into issues, especially if it's the Prince's. "Oh and Luca, do you mind if I visit you in your library after this?"

"Of course."



Once we were finished eating, I followed Luca to his library where books were scattered all over his desk as usual. Sometimes I wonder if he reads them out of just interest, or with the intent to gain knowledge and make use of it. Or both. Not that it bothers me though.

"So what did you need?" The mage asks, adjusting the white cloak he often wore, white like his hair, white like the fur of a bear.

"I need you to teach me magic." I say sternly, then bow down in a quick motion. "Please!"

"Riselle?! I thought we already talked about this, you idiot... You can't just learn magic."

I stand up straight and whimper like a puppy. "What do you mean I can't just  use magic!"

"Only a few people can. And trust me, you're not one who can." He sighs and gently pats my head. "Why do you want to learn magic though?"

"I need to be able to protect myself!"

"From what? This castle is completely safe though. There isn't much crime outside the castle either."

"Well uh... You never know!"

Luca sighs. "If you want to learn how to protect yourself so bad, you can ask Kace to teach you how to wield a sword, or something. He's pretty good at that."

"Oooh? Kace can fight?"

"He can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on about his past though, it would be best if you ask him yourself."

"Yeah... Will do! Though, I think I'll pass on the combat training." I laugh awkwardly. Me and physical activities just don't mix well. Somethings really aren't meant to be, sigh...

There's really nothing much going for me, just a love for nature and music.

"I'll leave you to whatever you're reading now!" I flash a smile at Luca and exit the room.

There goes my plan to learn magic, hmph. But there's still plan B! Ask aunt Aline for advice! She'll probably know what to do, plus, getting that issue off my chest would feel a lot better.

I skip through the halls, checking every room I'd think Aunt Aline would be in, cleaning, until I eventually find here dusting the vases on display. "Aunt Aline!"

"Riselle dear! Do you need something?"

"Do you mind if I talk to you about something that's been troubling me?"

"My oh my, of course! Come, lets talk in your room for more privacy." She puts down the duster.

In my room, I explain what happened between me and the prince and how it just makes me worry if something similar might happen in the future and it may no longer be a close call.

Aunt Aline listened, though she bore a certain look on her face. One that looked like she had something to tell, but it didn't seem like a good thing.

"Is something the matter, Aunt Aline?"

"I'm going to tell you a story, Riselle."


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