Xichen: "Follow me, Wei Gongzi." Wei Ying was a bit confused but followed anyways. They reached the dining hall. There were no lights on.

Wei Ying: "There's no one here, so why have we come?"

Xichen smiled. "You will soon find out. Go on inside."

Wei Ying opened the doors to the hall. It was pitch black. "Hello?" As soon as he stepped two feet inside, lanterns were lit. Rows upon rows of them along the ceiling and fixtures. Flowers decorated the pillars and carpets. Rabbit statues lined the walls. Wei Ying was fixated on the beauty of it all, he didn't notice all the people standing there looking at him.

Everyone jumped out, scaring him half-to-death. "Surprise! Happy birthday!" Wei Ying turned to the two jades. There were tears in his eyes.

Wei Ying: "How did you know?" He jumped at Lan Zhan, hugging him. "I didn't think anyone cared or remembered," he spoke into Lan Zhan's chest. A slight cough was heard behind him. He turned to find his brother standing there. "Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng: "Yeah it's me, you sea urchin. Now, get off me before I break your legs." He was blushing. Xichen smiled at that.

Xichen: "Wanyin, leave the boy alone. It is his birthday after all." Jiang Cheng gave the eldest Lan a slight glare.

Jiang Cheng: "Whatever! Happy birthday!" He ruffled his brother's hair, ignoring the immense glare Lan Zhan was giving him. Xichen chuckled behind his sleeve, turning his head. Nie Huaisang ran up to Wei Ying, crashing into him and knocking him to the floor.

Huaisang: "Wei-xiong! Happy birthday!" The two giggled. Huaisang felt himself being pulled. He looked behind him to find that Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan had picked him up off of Wei Ying. They gave the poor boy such a death glare, Huaisang actually felt his soul was being sucked from his body. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he apologized over and over, hoping they would release him. They did. He dropped right on his face, hitting the floor with a loud 'thud'! Everyone in the hall went silent. Seeing Huaisang lying on the floor, the entire hall erupted into a fit of laughter. Even Wei Ying couldn't help himself and continuously laughed.

Someone cleared their throat very loudly. The hall silenced again. Everyone took their respective seats. Lan Qiren sat at the head. "*Ahem* We are here today for a very special reason. Today is Young Master Wei Wuxian's birthday. I propose a toast to you, Wei Gongzi, and to your health. May you live long and prosper!" The whole hall erupted in applause and shouts, raising their cups high in salutation. "Now, let the festivities begin!" Qiren commanded.

The banquet was exceptional. Wei Ying couldn't believe his eyes! So many people had come for his birthday celebration! A young maid poured him a drink. He thanked her. Picking the cup up, he got a whiff of the liquid inside, and his eyes brightened. It was Emperor's Smile! He looked at Lan Zhan who sat next to him. The Lan was smiling. That wasn't all there was to come. The food Wei Ying was served wasn't the ordinary food of Cloud Recesses. Lan Zhan had made certain his Wei Ying only got the best for this occasion. Wei Ying took one bite of the food and began crying, not because it was spicy either, but because whoever had made it knew just how he liked it. Even the soup was his favorite which his shijie would make - Lotus Root and Pork Rib Soup!

"Happy birthday, A-Xian!" a gentle voice said. He looked up to see Jiang Yanli standing there.

Wei Ying jumped up and hugged her, almost spilling the table in the process. "Shijie!"

She rubbed his back soothingly. "There, there, A-Xian. Are you crying because you're happy?"

Wei Ying nodded and continued to cry. Yanli laughed a bit. "This is the best birthday ever!"

That night, after the party was over, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were in the Jingshi. Lan Zhan had been smiling the whole night - something he never does. It made Wei Ying a bit suspicious. "Lan Zhan, what's up with you tonight? You've been smiling nonstop since you woke up." His smile was filled with mischief. Lan Zhan coughed, but never spoke a word. Instead he went to the other room, shutting the door. He was gone for quite a while. Wei Ying was starting to wonder if something was wrong - like if Lan Zhan were upset or something. As he was about to doze off, being tired from all the excitement, Lan Zhan popped back in.

He sat on the bed next to the boy and pulled something from his sleeve. It was a small wooden box. The box was plain, with no markings on it. He gave it to Wei Ying who looked flabbergasted. The boy opened it up. "For me?" he asked innocently. Lan Zhan nodded, his ears red. "It's beautiful!" Inside was a white jade pendant. It was carved in the shape of a rabbit. Wei Ying's eyes were shining as he picked it up and watched it dangle from its red tassel. "I love it!" he spoke excitedly, hugging the Lan with all his might.

Lan Zhan ran his fingers through the boys hair and kissed the top of his head. "Mn. Am glad, Wei Ying." The boy giggled with delight.

Wei Ying: "I am so tired, Lan Zhan. I don't ever want this day to end." He fell asleep. Soon soft snores could be heard. Lan Zhan laid down next to him, cuddling him.

Lan Zhan: "Good night, Wei Ying. Happy birthday," he whispered. Wei Ying smiled, snuggling closer.

[MDZS] My Dark Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें