Corpse is mean to you

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CONCEPT: Corpse takes Among Us too far, targeting you constantly


"I-- Corpse no, stop it. Stop." I mumbled he was pinning the murder of Lily on me, knowing full well it wasn't me. He's imposter, but I'm clearly crewmate, he watched me empty trash and do card swipe, he knows it's not me.

"I don't know, you're kinda sus." It was the very first kill of the game, I have hardly gotten to do any tasks, I got to do the two quickest ones. That's it.

"Corpse please, it's the first round, I haven't done anything, I think you're sus for already accusing me." I was trying to reason with everyone, it was working because they didn't want to vote me off yet, but I knew if he kept pushing they would listen to me.

No One was Ejected

I muted my mic, a bit of sadness in my voice, "Corpse is being very rude to me right now, I don't know why." I was only speaking to myself, Corpse was in the other room, but this whole stream he had been pushing for me so hard. Every round he has accused me first and a couple times it's worked.

"I don't know if he's mad at me or not." I couldn't figure it out, I don't know what I did. I thought I made him mad somehow, but I don't know how.

Body Reported by Sykkuno

"I think it's-" I grunted angrily, Corpse had started speaking first and I could already tell he was going to go after me, "Don't even start."

He cleared his throat, his sentence stopped in the middle. I nodded to myself, sighing as he stayed quiet, I just needed a break from having to defend myself to him. It was every round, no matter what, I never got to just play.

We voted off Julien, a choice I think was right, but I had since decided that whenever Corpse accuses me first, I'm going to vote him no matter what. That's what he gets for being a dick.

Julien was Ejected

I continued speaking to myself, keeping my head in my hands as more meetings were called, more bodies were reported, I couldn't take much more of Corpse accusing me no matter what I did.

"Corpse is playing the mean game, I don't know why. I thought we had a good day today." I was too busy mumbling to myself to notice that the game had ended, we were now in the lobby.

"I still think Y/N is sus." Corpse's voice was low, he was pushing it, he was good at pushing my buttons, but I think today he didn't realize he was pushing too far.

Body Reported by Lily

"I think Y/N is innocent, she's just done her tasks, I don't know why Corpse keeps accusing her." I agreed with Lily, thanking her in my head for sticking up for me, but of course Corpse had a good comeback. I think he was mad at me today and just didn't want to tell me. Was he being passive aggressive with me?

I decided to continue pushing and playing, even though I was getting more and more upset with Corpse. I kept my tears away, I didn't want to cry while I was playing, but I knew that if things continued like this, tears would be in order. I was going to keep going and try to enjoy it even though Corpse was seemingly very upset with me today.

The games continued passing me by, a blur of colors, I was absolutely useless to the game, I couldn't have any input, I couldn't give my defenses, I was too distracted by my feelings. They kept asking me what I saw, if anyone was near, but honestly, I didn't remember even reporting a body.

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