Can't Sleep

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CONCEPT: You can't sleep and Corpse cares for you
TW:// language


Corpse is usually the one who can't sleep, but unfortunately, tonight, that was me. Of course, I would rather him get all the sleep he can, but I get super sensitive and easily frustrated when I'm overtired.

After the extra hour I was awake, I knew tonight would be full of tears and consolation. I cry when I'm frustrated, and when I can't sleep and I am extra sensitive? Corpse is in for a real treat tonight.

I slowly crawled off the bed, my hands shaking as I made my way to the living room. I didn't want to move around too much and wake him up, so I figured it was best if I stayed out of the room.

I wanted him to get as much sleep as he possibly could, even in my delirious, exhausted mind, I was ready to give him all the sleep in the world. He deserved it.

I turned on the tv, turned off the lights, cuddled up to a warm blanket, and tried to sleep. I laid there for I don't know how long, but just as in the bedroom, no luck.

I tossed and turned, frustrated grunts leaving my mouth as I finally had enough. Why couldn't I sleep? I had been awake all day, I had worked so much, so why couldn't I sleep?

I laid there for a while, debating going in the room to see Corpse, not to wake him up, just to see if he was still sleeping or not. I decided, I would go see.

I peeked my head into the bedroom, seeing Corpse still fast asleep on the bed. I knew I couldn't wake him up, he never gets any sleep, I can't take that away from him.

I decided to just deal with it, I thought if I watched tv and let myself get tired enough, I could finally slip into sleep without my body even realizing what was happening.

Like I could enter this other plane of exhaustion, my body would just fall asleep without even knowing it, watching TV one second, deep asleep the next.

After what felt like an eternity of my eyes closed, I felt myself getting tired enough to relax, the stillness around me kept me calm as I slowly fell asleep.

An Hour Later

I could've fought someone, I genuinely could've fought somebody. I am never aggressive, but the frustration I felt when I woke up not even 30 minutes later, that's something I've never felt before.

I could've fought whatever was keeping me awake. They say when you can't sleep it's because you're in someone else's dreams, I will fight whoever is dreaming of me, I will ruin their life. As long as it's not Corpse.

"Oh my god." I mumbled, my eyes hurt to blink, that told me I was completely exhausted, but I couldn't fall asleep, at least not long enough to get any rest.

I forced myself asleep, I kept my eyes closed no matter what happened, no matter how bored I got of having them closed, I kept my eyes shut. I was awake, my eyes closed, for at least 25 minutes before I actually fell asleep.

30 Minutes Later

I now had tears in my eyes, I've fallen asleep 3 times, still haven't slept longer than 20 minutes at a time.

After much debating, almost a whole hour, I decided I needed to wake up Corpse, I had no choice now. I was going to keep being miserable, if he woke up and saw that I went through this and didn't wake him, he would be so upset.

I slowly peeked into the bedroom, sniffles leaving my nose as I poked his shoulder. He didn't wake up the first time, it almost made me want to quit.

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