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My fear was immediately dissolved when I found out what my teacher was talking about. I was relieved. Now I was in the counsellors office and I was wondering what subject it was that I was lacking on.

"Miss Brune you have failed the last weeks continuous assessment test in Maths and Pre Calculus, which means you have issues with calculations. Checking from you other subjects you are not so good in the calculatory aspects too. What do you think is your problem?"

"I love Maths" I replied "Any thing formula related I do. I just seem to forget what I need to do or steps I need to take once the test is passed to me."

"Fine. In our school we usually pair academically poor students to the excellent ones to help them study. Would that be okay by you?"

I was angry that he just implied that I was a poor student but he was talking hurriedly like he wanted to get this over with and he was repeatedly asking me questions. I hated to anger people so I just said

"Any thing you think is good is fine by me, at least you are my counselor."

Seeming pleased he looked up from his computer and said "After lunch you have a period for library which happens to clash with that of a Math guru." His face spoke pride, he continued "Evan Warno, one of our very best believe me. He has won many competions interschool, locally and in the state. You can see some of the school's copy of his medals in our trophy case just outside this door."

I recalled seeing some trophies but did not pay attention. Why, because the days of me looking for a way to reach the top was over and I did not want to drag attention to myself.

"I'll tell him to meet up with you. You can leave now miss"

Standing up I said "Thanks sir. I'll see that I do better.'

"No problem, Take this and give it to your teacher in the next class". He handed me a pass and I left after dropping another thank you

After leaving Mr John's office I walked in front of the the trophy case. The basketball, volleyball and soccer team trophies were what I  saw first. Even the cheerleaders had a trophy. I looked for the one related to what I was looking for. It was at the bottom right corner of the shelf and I had to bend a little to see it.

Obviously they paid more attention to the athletes than the intellectuals. Nobody was in the hallway so I squatted to see it properly. I saw the name Evan Warno on a shiny gold medal with a wreath engraved on it. I reached to touch it but the glass was stopping me. Instead I ran my hand on the numerous medals and stopped on the trophy.

I felt something when touching the glass and didn't know what it was. I guess it was my love for wanting my name on a trophy or something.

Evan Warno

I walked to my class handed my teacher the pass and walked to my seat. At the back. I passed by Martina and smiled at her. We had History and I zoned out throughout Mr Gupta's teaching about The Depression. I came back from wherever my mind went to when I thought he was asking me a question but instead was asking a guy who had his head on his chest, who if you asked me was far far away. His head snapped back up and he nearly fell off. Everyone laughed and I just duplicated my teacher's reaction. A smile.

Lunch came and although I was hungry I just wanted my library period to arrive quickly. I accompanied Martina to the cafeteria. Rex shot us a glare as we passed which I ignored and Martina dropped her head. She had lunch from home and I having no money went to pick up what was for free for that day.

I will not bother telling you what it is.

Anyway I and Martina spoke on a lot of things and she asked if we could hangout. I told her a downright no. She did not ask why but instead said that she had forgotten that she had stuff to do too.

As she was talking about clubs and the literary one where she was currently, my mind wandered back to those medals. Martina's voice was still audible but incomprehensible. I was thinking of one person. Evan Warno.

The bell rang signifying that lunch was over. I stuffed my mouth with what remained of my food not because it was appetizing but because I did not know when I would get something edible.

Rushing off to the library eager to meet this Warno boy, I got to there and greeted the librarian and told her that I was supposed to meet a student here because the person was tutoring me. This conversation was easy because I came here often and she knew who I was.

You might want to know why I go to the library often and I am still not good in my grades. The answer is that I always come here to read the novels and to be frank I read Shakespeare.

Thou mightest not understand why thy hand maiden readeth things of the ancient. Whatever.

I went to my spot and sat down and brought out my notebooks. I waited and waited. My former excitement to meet this boy was waning. Also I refused to pick up a new book to read because I had just finished one and could not bear being hung up again.

However ten minutes passed and I had not seen any body so I placed my head on the cool table and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps coming in my direction and I lifted my head up. Some people arrived my table, saw me and stopped.

Three boys stared at me and I stared back. I was wondering if Evan was among them and they were whispering to the one in the middle. It looked like they were teasing him and they pushed him foward. He turned to glare at them, muttered some words and came to meet me.

With brown eyes he looked at me, extended his hand and said

"Hi, sorry about that. I am Evan, Evan Warno".

Spoiler alert; I had an official crush.

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