Dilan: 3 The Falls

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Kira was staring at me like I had just died. It was kind of cute though, that she cared that much.
”So,” I said ”why exactly are we here? I know it’s something important otherwise you would be joking with me.” She smiled and shook her head. 
“I only bring people who deserve to be here. Beside you said that the falls were calling you.” She said, nudging me a little, “This was your call.”
I sat up. “Oh, right.” Nothing felt different… I shouldn't say that. Then this trip would have been in vain. “Well, I don’t feel drawn to it anymore.”
Kira looked worried, looking over at Holiday and Hannah. They both shrug but Kira doesn’t seem to relax. 
“Kira? B-baby?” I said, shaking a bit more.
“Yes? Oh, Dilan… are you okay?” I nod, shaking a little more. “What did you need hun?”
“You… you look worried… is everything al-ll right?” Kira looked around a little nervously, “Kira?”
“Oh… umm… yea… everything is fine… don’t worry.” She got up and sat closer to the water, dipping her toes in the water.
“Are you sure?” I asked, getting up and sitting by her. I set my hand on top of hers. And froom, into a ghost scene.
The room was dark and dank, it reeked of blood. A light, that seemed too bright, turned on in the corner of my eye. I tried to look over, but I couldn’t move my head. I started thrashing around when I realized I could move a single inch of my body. It was getting to me. I was starting to have a panic attack, I couldn’t breathe very well, my vision started going dark. I tried to wake myself up when I realized this wasn’t my body. Something pricked my arm so, naturally, I looked over. I could only see a black suit out of the corner of my eye. I saw a girl behind the suit and within one second the girl shrieked, bursting my ear drums with a scream that was all too familiar.
I breathed in salt water and opened my eyes. Above me hovered a girl, Hannah, Holiday's daughter. She didn’t look too worried about me, but about the girl lying next to me. 
Kira breathed in and sat up. She looked shaken, she looked over at me. “Did you see that?” I shakely nodded my head. “That.... that was you? The one next to me?” I nodded my head again, not wanting to lie. I wish I could lie to Kira, to keep her safe, but I had the will not to lie. I guessed it was something Kira was doing to me, but then I finally felt the warm touch on my hand. Hannah had been making me tell the truth the whole time. I knew she was half vampire and half fae, but truth fae’s are very rare. Hannah was one in a million. I have never seen a truth fae in action, and it surprised me to see that she was looking so calm. She didn’t even look tired. The half fae’s that are truth fae’s are known to get tired fast. But Hannah looked the same as before. Full of life and expression. I couldn’t believe it. It must be the fact that she’s half fae. There’s no other explanation, well.... Maybe.... It’s her ghost whisper power.... Would make sense, but faint sense.
“Dilian! Are you done muttering about Hannah’s powers?” I blushed and shook her hand off of me. 
“Sorry.... I've just never seen a truth fae before.” My blush got thicker and I looked at the water to calm down. I think of Hannah like a little sister, she never will be anything more. I hope.
“Dilian, you okay?” I looked at Kira and nodded.
“Can we just get out of this cave?” I asked, getting up and brushing the sand off my legs and chest.
“Of course Dilian.” She said, getting up and doing the same. I thought it was weird, she was calling me hun. It’s only been a few days since she found out my name, maybe that’s why she wants to say it. Hopefully. 
Holiday already started walking out. Hannah was quick to follow, splitting the water for a split second before she and Holiday disappeared from view. Kira walked over to me and held my hand. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek.
“Let’s go, we have to walk back with them. They won’t leave without us.” She pulled me along, out from under Shadow Falls, waterfall. She giggled as I shut my eyes and spat out water as we walked out of the falls. The water was shallow enough to walk in, so it didn’t feel like I was drowning. I opened my eyes and took a breath in. The sky was a little purple and pink with very little clouds. I wondered how long we were there. I marveled at the sight of the view. I never thought I would see a view like this from up here. I never thought I would be here. A faint thought at the back of my mind tugged me. ‘You’ve been here.’ the thought said over and over again, remembering was harder than I thought. I scanned my mind for any memory of being here before. Nothing came up, so I thought to myself that the thought was wrong. I never had been here before. I walked out of the water and was greeted by a warm towel that Burnett wrapped around me.
“Thanks.” I said politely, I looked back at the view, the thought pulling at my mind again.
“Hun?” Kira touched my shoulder, bringing me back to the present. 
“You okay? You looked gone in your thoughts.” She looked at me with concern, “Are you good hun?”
“Yea, this has been amazing.”
“Even the ‘getting knocked out by a ghost’ part?” She laughed out.
“I was knocked out by a ghost? Huh.... nice.”
She laughed again, her voice sounding like honey.
“Oh Dilian, hun. You’re so cute.” She laid her head on my shoulder, “You guys go without us, we’ll be down in a little.”
Burnett got the memo and took his daughter and wife by the hand and left.
Kira sat down on the ground near the water, gently swaying her hand in the water. I sat down right next to her, and grabbed her unoccupied hand. 
“The sky is so pretty today, don’t you think?” I said trying to fill the very comfortable silence. My voice was light, barely audible over the light wind.
Kira giggled a little lightly, the giggle getting carried away by the wind. 
“That’s your ice breaker?” She asked, giggling more. 
“It was supposed to be.” I said, turning a little pink.
“It was an attempt.” She laughed out.
“What else am I supposed to do? You jerk." I said, standing up and starting to walk down the path.
"Wait!" She yelled softly, craving my hand and pulling me back into her, so that I was pressed up against her. She pulled my head down and kissed me, earning a soft gasp from me. "That's all." She said, pulling back.
"You're just gonna leave me hanging like that?" I said, slightly annoyed that that's all she wanted to do. I could have already been half way down the beaten path, but instead I was still at the lake just standing around.
"Well... yes... but, I didn't think you would want me to do anything. I just wanted a kiss... but... let's just go." She pulled away out of my arms and started down the path. What had I done wrong? I thought to myself.
I walked after her, keeping my distance. 

Hannah: 4 Cold

    I wrapped the blanket closer to my cold body. I didn’t speak. Me being a truth fairy was supposed to be a secret. I would be hunted if I was found out. I looked at my Dad, who was walking ahead of us. I blinked and looked at my Mom. She seemed too focused to notice me. A cold feeling washed over me. I felt broken. My Mom doesn’t care for me…. My Dad doesn’t care for me…. Wait! What am I talking about? I’m perfectly fine, my Mom loves me and so does my Dad. The cold feeling got stronger. More doubts brushed over me, and before I knew what was happening there was a gag over my mouth and I was being dragged into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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