ch. 19: sightings

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Raelynn p.o.v.

Daddy took me home-no, not home. Daddy took me back to the meadow, where I was embraced by Grandma Esme, Grandpa Carlisle, Auntie Rose, and Renesmee. Uncle Emmett got back from looking for me a few minutes later, and hugged me too-a rare occurrence. he must really have been worried. my guilt intensified. about half an hour later, Sethy came back from looking, too. he'd gone all the way to Canada, in a desperate frenzy to find me, his imprint, and make sure I was safe.

"I'm okay." I whispered. and I was-physically. mentally, I was anything but, and that was reinforced whenever I looked at Renesmee and saw the locket around her neck. I rubbed the pendant Seth gave me, to remind myself there were people who cared about me more than their lives, but it wasn't enough. not without Momma's love.

"c'mon, it's time you got to bed." Daddy told me. he led me to a second tent I hadn't noticed, where I changed and then fell asleep against his body.

I woke up, dressed, and drank a thermos of blood Daddy packed for me.

I woke up, dressed, and drank a thermos of blood Daddy packed for me

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the outfit was nice and warm. I wouldn't have worn the hat, but Grandma insisted. I also put on a jacket.

it was completely unnecessary, but Daddy and Seth insisted

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it was completely unnecessary, but Daddy and Seth insisted. they should know I can fend for myself by now, but to them I'm some insignificant child. I might look like one, but they both know how I'm basically an adult when I need to be.

"it's time." Daddy whispered. I heard him come towards me, felt him hold me close. he was to my right. I felt a silent pull that same direction, slightly farther than Daddy, so I knew that was where Seth was. to my left was Renesmee, then Momma and to Momma's right was Jake. yes, we were in battle lines-perfect, ready battle lines.

I heard their minds before anything else. vicious, murderous thoughts flowed from all their minds into mine. I tensed and hissed on instinct, warning the others to their approaching. I then heard the swish of their cloaks, the wind they made, the breaths they took.

and then I saw them. my potential killers.

ladies and gentleman, the bitching Volturi.

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