he hisses, clambering up on his legs and glaring at the rabbit, who must have been put next to him by hoseok. the bunny squeaks, hopping toward him on his stubby bunny paws. yoongi hisses again, jumping off the window sill and running to the kitchen. there he turns into his more humanoid self, his ears drawn back and his short tail flicked in irritation. "yoongi?" hoseok comes in, holding the white and brown ball of bunny.

yoongi huffs and silently turns away from his human, who frowns. "what's wrong, yooni, baby? are you alright?" yoongi's eats flatten even more so when hoseok's omega scented hand attempts to ruffle his hair. the cat ducks, avoiding the contact and crossing his arms. "i'm going to go see taehyung," he mutters and walks to his bedroom, which smelt of hoseok and his scents, making him sigh deeply after closing his room door.

he gets changed into a comfy yellow sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans before leaving.

the spring air was nice and fresh, it smelt of flowers and recently cut grass that made his shoulders relax and his ears perk up instead of being flattened on his hair.

yoongi knocks on the light pastel pink house's door, it's hue so light that it was almost white. he personally doesn't really like it, but taehyung and his owners did. the white door flies open, and yoongi's mood immediately enlightens by the sight of taehyung, a cute chow chow puppy hybrid. his tail was wagging, looking like a tan hued blur behind the puppy's excited and wriggling figure. "yoongi hyung!" the said cat opens his arms and taehyung bursts into them.

taehyung was one of the sweetest alphas yoongi has ever met. he acts more like an excited beta, but by his scent, you could decipher his status. he was gentle and kind, and despite looming over most people around him, he was adorable. "hi tae," yoongi greets, and lets taehyung drag him into the house and leading him to the dining room.

jimin and seokjin were there, quietly conversing over cups of tea. "hyungs! yoongi's here!" yoongi, although coming here over a million times, never knows how to correctly greet taehyung's owners. so, he settles for a small smile and an awkward wave.

jimin sweetly smiles, setting his phone down and his empty mug. "hi, yoongi hyung. how are you doing?" yoongi purses his lips and furrows his brows at the thought of jungkook. "not too good, min," seokjin speaks next, readjusting the glasses that he wore in the mornings. "aw, why is that?" yoongi liked seokjin and jimin. they were maternal and sweet, they were the cutest couple—including taehyung of course—and they were his best friend's owners so he instantly felt a liking toward them.

jimin was more of a little brother that likes taking care of him while seokjin was more of a maternal mother figure.

"hoseok got another hybrid without me knowing," he mumbles, and taehyung's tail stops wagging, a quiet whine of sadness emitting from his throat. he could tell that yoongi wasn't as happy as he usually was. "oh, i'm sorry, kitty. do you want some cake? would that make you feel better?" yoongi's stomach grumbles, and he blushes. "i'll take that as a yes. why don't you two sit down and we can have some cake," seokjin pats both of their heads, and taehyung drags him to a chair next to jimin. jimin pets his head when he sits next to them, an assuring grin on his face.

"it'll be okay, hyung. just talk to hoseok hyung about it so you don't feel so bad. maybe it will help," yoongi lightly smiles, nodding even when he wanted to tell him, that, 'no, it won't be okay. there is an omega in my home, and he's going to steal him away from me.'

but he doesn't, and jimin strokes his ears.

after eating cake, taehyung quite literally pulls him out of his chair and into the living room, where they begin watching Ponyo. he's watched the movie so many times with taehyung he can most likely go through the movie while saying word for word of what the characters said.

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