You Could [SHERLOCK FANFIC // Post-Reichenbach]

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Summary: John Watson returns to Baker Street after the burial, wondering how he's going to get on in life with his best friend deceased. Through heart-aching days, frightening nightmares, and bitter memories, John finds himself wishing the same fate on himself...

Author of SHERLOCK 1, 2, and 3 brings you her prequel...

"Somone could be that important" video edited by: MissGossipAddict

"The Scientist" video edited by: disturbedxwishes

"I Almost Do" video edited by: EKShortstories

"Safe and Sound" video edited by: lollimaki

"Friend Till the End" video edited by: KaseytheJudge

Created: March 1, 2013

Finished: March 10, 2013

Click external link to read the first three

WARNING: This is not a JohnLock fluff story, this is only to express John's friendship and partnership with his best friend, Sherlock before the fictional adventures I wrote in the SHERLOCK TRILOGY

Disclaimer: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are owned respectfully by Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle. The modern twists throughout the story are due to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatniss's BBC "SHERLOCK"

Photos and videos belong to their rightful owners and used only for public entertainment.

2013 - E. K. Sloyer

SHERLOCK I, II, III & IV • #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now