Chapter 4

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Well I'm back again,I don't really like the last Chapter

Talan was showing me around,as well as some place that place were not on my list. " So tell me a bit about you?" He had asked me as we were walking. I looked at him "well there is not much about me that is interesting" I say which is true. " I don't believe that there has to be some thing" he said. I bit my lip as he was saying that " okay I love old movies" I say something. He chuckled. "What is funny?" I ask him as he was still laughing. "You my dear" he said place his hand on my as we stop walking. " how I'm I being funny?" I say getting mad,I only just met this guy and already he is making me mad. He looked at me and notice that I was getting mad " I did not mean it in that way" he said to me as he holds my hand "I'm sorry" he said to me.

I smile as he said sorry I take his hand and pull away from him " I should get going now" I say.he looked at me and smiled "I will walk you back" he said as we walk back. From there we were talking. I give him my number.

I call Joe to tell him that I'm ready to be picked up and ready to go. I see Joe pulling up,I get in the car.
"Did you have fun?"he asked me I smile and say that I did as we drive I get a text

It's Talan I had fun getting to know you let's get together again tomorrow,so I can know more".
The text message said that I smile at the text.
You texted me I thought you might not but okay
That sounds great xox"
I sent that to him,I wait for a response to the message. Then I get one
"Why would not text you,your the one that gave me your number,okay how about I pick you up say 6"
He texted that I laugh and reply with "okay sounds good".

As me and Joe get back to the house my Aunt was home " your back now dinner should be ready soon Mary is make it now so you should wash up" she said to me.I look at my Aunt and smile,and do as I'm told. As I walk in to the dinning area the food was ready. I sit down and start eating. It was quite as I eat,I notice Aunt May is not talking today. "Is there some thing wrong Aunt May?" I ask her wondering,she looked at and said no,I did not say any thing at all.

I was done eating ,Mary takes my plate for me as get up and call my mom,we talk for bit and then I go to bed as I was tired as I fall a sleeping dreaming about today.

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