I've lost everything

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A/N just to let you know the next couple of chapters aren't going down how they went in the show but it will happen.

Alexi's POV

Okay its been a couple of weeks since the hole finding out about the baby. So in those weeks Elena tried to comite suiside because of the hunters curse. She is back to her normal self. She is still stringing them both along but I do think she will make her mind up with which one she wants part of me say she's going to choose Damon. Jeremy is now the hunter apparently it was the only way to save Elena.

My stomach is now starting to show and I look realy cute with a baby bump. I still cant beleive that im goingto be a mum.

Klaus- I see someone is now starting to show.

Me- Yes I am indeed and a baby bump siuts me, don't ya think.

Klaus - Yes it looks adorable on you sweetheart.

I decied I'm going to get dressed go to school and finally tell people that I'm actually pregnant and not getting fat the only people who knew was Nik, Damon, Stefan and myself.

I went for a shower to relax my muscles they were aching. After a relaxing shower I walked over to the closet and picked out a white flowy dress that showed my bump a long little.

I put my hair in to a messy pony tail. I didn't bother to put any make-up on.

I made my way downstairs where Nik is cooking me breakfast.

Me- Nik what's up you hardly ever cook. Have you got something to tell me.

I said the last part in a teasing way to wind him up.

Nik- Well I thought that mabey my wonderful girlfriend and my baby mamma might want something to eat before going to school considering you are now eating for two. And there is something I would like to tell you or kinda say.

Nik picked up a little box and looked a me lovingly with a huge grin on his face.

He started to get down on to one knee whilst the little box was still in his hand.

OMG is he doing what I think he's doing.

Klaus- Alexandria Marie Salvatore would you make me the happiest man a live and do me the honer of becoming my wife.

OMG he's actually supposing to me in the middle of the kitchen before I got off to school.

I stood there stunned it didn't actually imagine Nik and I getting married.

I looked at Nik and he looked a little shocked because I hadn't said anything.

Klaus- Love this is where you say your answer.

Me- omg your not just saying this because I'm up the duff properly with a little wolf are you.

He looked at me a bit shocked.

Klaus- Um no I'm a little shocked that you have had to ask me that but if you must know why it's because we love each other and I can't ..........

I had to interrupt him.

Me- Nik you can get up now and of course ill marry you I was messing with you.

He had a huge grin on his face as he placed the ring on my finger.

Klaus- You soon to be Mrs Mikaelson are going to make me the happiest man alive.

Me- That's good to know and I'm now officially late for school.

I've gotta go love ya bye.

I left the house and headed toward school. When I got there I saw Stefan talking to Elena, I went over to talk to him and tell him about my engagement.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterWhere stories live. Discover now