My Baby Girl

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Klaus's POV

Okay last night's date went well apart from her brothers staring all the time. But it was a Realy good night I enjoyed myself and so did Alexi I think she look like she did.

I go down to the kitchen to find some blood but I don't find any here.

Alexi's POV

I wake up thinking about last night and how I went realy well I enjoyed myself and I think Nik did to.

I walk downstairs to find Nik just standing the thinking about something.

Me- Nik what's wrong

Klaus- nothing I'll make your breakfast but then I gotta go find someone to munch on.

Me- I can cook my own if you need blood. Or you could always drink from me saves you going to look for someone.

Klaus- Only if your sure

Me- As long as you don't kill me I'd be pissed if you did

I said winking at him.

He walks over to me and goes for my neck of all places. He drinks for a while then stops.

Klaus- Thanks.

Me- That's alright but woooow bit hansy aren't we when were feeding.

Klaus- Am I havnt realy noticed

Me- Okay well I'm going to get some breakfast.

I make a bowel of cereal after I eat them I go to head up stairs but someone knocks at the door I open it to see Stefan standing there with Damon.

Me- What do you two want I was about to go get dressed.

Stefan- Damon has come to apologise for the part he took in your death.

Me- Yeah he realy looks like it.

Damon- Is that a bite mark on your neck so what now he's feeding of you. You have got to be kidding me.

Me- chill he didn't have blood so I let him now if you don't mind get out.

They didn't move so I screamed get out as I did the doors flung open and everything in the room started to shake and every thing fell of the walls.

Klaus walks in I do believe that she has asked you to leave. I think you should before she explodes.

With that they both left with worried looks in there eyes.

After they leave everything stops.

Me- Well I guess that answers your question all I did was shout at them and this happened.

Klaus looked worried he didn't once brake eye contact between us.

Me- Okay I'm going to go get changed

I walk upstairs I'm about to go into my room when Klaus comes up behind me and grabs my arm.

Klaus- I have wanted to do this for a while now.

He then kisses me, he opens the door and pushes me in the room we landed on the bed I'm on top kissing him. Nik rips the top of me whilst I undo his trousers.

He end up flipping us over so he was on top.

After hours of making out we finaly fell asleep.

Next morning

I wake up to Nik lying next to me he still sleeping.

I'm ment to be meeting Bonnie this morning. I get of the bed with out making any noise.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterWhere stories live. Discover now