Its impossible

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Damon's POV

Its been a few weeks since Alexi had drove Elena of the bridge, I still can't believe that Alexi drove her off the bridge. I totally over reacted. When I reality had finally kicked in I went over to the Mikaelson's I saw her and flipped I grabbed her by the throat and all I remember saying that she isn't my actual sister when I said those words I saw the hurt in her face.

There is a hunter on the lose and after what happened at the funeral that was for the people who died in the house explosion he messed with everybody in memorial he even shot Tyler.

Today is the day that I am going to speak to her and explain everything and I'm hoping she can forgive her older brother. She is and always will be my little sister before it's to late.

Alexi's POV

Nik and Rebekah have gone out somewhere on business so before he left he told me to stay out of trouble which is hard consider I'm a magnet for it and then there is the little situation with there being a hunter on the lurk for vampires. which of course I know they won't come after me because I'm a witch so I'm safe but everyone who loves me are vampires.

I woke up this morning and I felt weird wake up with out Nik by my side. His side of the bed was so cold.

I walked into the bathroom turned on the shower got undressed and got in it felt so good feeling the hot water against my skin. I washed my body and hair, then got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked into the bedroom.

I walked over to the wardrobe to find something to wear. I found a stunning top that was short selves and it flowed along with a pair of blue jeggings. I set them on the bed whilst I did my make-up and hair. I put in a messy bun and didn't put much make-up on.

I was getting dressed when I heard the door bell ring. I made my way down the stairs. I felt light headed but it was nothing new I've been feeling light headed for a while it comes and goes, I lose my footing and I fell down the stairs. I tried to get up but I couldn't I think I've sprained my ankle.

I looked up and Damon was there he helped me up and into the living room, he left me and walked over to the liquor.

I hope he's not here to start a fight I don't feel like I have the energy my head was really bad and now a pain in my side has started.

Damon walked over to me and handed me a glass of bourbon.

Damon- I need you to hear me out. That night when I got the phone call telling me that you ran Elena of the bridge made me angry and I know that's how you felt when Ric staked Klaus.


but he cut me off.

Damon- I need to say this. Alex that day when I came to see you and you was with Rebekah I shouldn't of got you by the throat and I should defiantly of not said that you weren't my sister because you are and always will be.

I took a big sip of my drink as it went down it tasted like it was poison. I put the glass down and looked up at Damon.

Me- Day you will always be my broth.......

I had to stop to hold my stomach Damon looked at me concerned.

Damon- Alex what's the matter.

Me- I don't know what's the matter with me I've been feasibility headed for a while now and there is this pain in my side and now my stomach. Damon help me tilt hurts so much.

He picked me up and put me in his car. He started the car up and drove towards the hospital.

Me- I'm in so much pain, I just want to go to sleep.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang