Just another day in Mystic Falls

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Alexi's POV

I woke up with my head on a heard pillow which I assume is Nik I look up to see he is still asleep. He's really cute when he's sleeping he looks so innocent.

There was knocking at the door. I grabbed one of Nik's tops and slipped it on along with my pants.

When I walked down stairs I see Kat standing at the door.

Me- Wow what do I owe the pleasure of having the one and only Katherine Pierce standing on my door step for.

Katherine- I want to get to know my daughter.

Me- Well I'm not in the mood today I'm tiered and need a shower.

Katherine- Is that a hikky on your neck and I told you to stay away from Niklaus Mikaelson.

Me- Geez chill 1. yes it is a hikky that's what happens when you have a boyfriend and  2. It's got nothing to do with you what are you my mother. oops sorry forgot you were. Anyway do you really think that anybody bar his family like us being a couple as far as I know my brothers or whatever they are hate me so I think I can coupe with another person hating our relationship.

Katherine- There it is the one reason as in why you will always know I'm your mother you have the Patrova fire I can see it, now I know why Klaus went for you considering he's already gone down that road before, he did always like the Patrova fire after all that was what drew him to me. I will be sticking around to get to know you so ps not going anywhere whether you like it or not.

Me- Bite me bitch

Katherine- No need for me to do that get your lover boy to do that.

I shut the door and walk back upstairs to see Nik was awake.

Klaus- Hey babe who was that at the door.

Me- It was my mother unfortunately. she was going on about the Patrova fire and how she can see it in me. Is that what drew you to me when we met.

Klaus- You reminded me of the little girl I saved once that and your sexy, sassy and kind.

I will tell you one thing you are nothing like your mother she is selfless, manipulative bitch and she only cares about her self.

You are the complete opposite you care about people, you put people's life's before your own, but you can be a little manipulative sometimes.

He said the last bit with a smirk.

I smiled at him and started to kiss him.

Klaus- Come on lets go to the grill

Me- Okay but please if we bump into Damon can we go somewhere else, I don't want to see him.

I get dressed I put my blue skinny jeans with my nude colour crop top along with my leather jacket and Black High heels.

I left my hair to flow natural with wavy curls.

My make-up was neutral colours.

I'm walked down stairs to met Nik once he's ready.

We are now entering the grill great lets see who's in here that hates me and pretty much everyone was there Elena, Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Tyler there was no Jeremy or Bonnie guess there out doing a couple thing.

Nik walks us up to the bar and orders two glasses of bourbon.

Damon had been looking at us all night.

It's really starting to piss me of I mean yeah okay I killed Elena but she is still here isn't she.

Nik- So what's the tension between you and Damon for.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterWhere stories live. Discover now