Alive and kicking

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Alexi's POV

So I've decied now I'm a bad ass witch Ive had a new hairstyle I went for short. I'm just greatful that I'm not dead still.

I'm standing outside the boarding house thinking about how I could get back at Damon but nothing came to mind.

I walk into the house to see Stefan and Damon talking but as soon as they see my they stop.

Me- There is no need to stop talking on my account you know it's not every day you get bought back from the dead after your older brother teams up with an original witch to kill you to keep quite.

Damon- I'm so sorry.. Wait why can I hear a human heart beat Elena isn't here is she Stef.

Me- Oh that would be me yeah I'm a witch now apparently I'm going to be the wepon to killing Klaus but as if. I'll be a witch from now on so don't piss me off.

I walk of upstairs to my room to find my phone when I find it I see I have missed calls from Bekah and Klaus.

I ring Bekah up first

Me- Hey Bekah I've got miss calls of you.

Bekah- yeah I wanted to let you know that me, Elijah and Kol have left it's just Klaus left in mystic fall. But Kol wants to speak to you he is here.

Kol- I thought you were dead how are you alive.

Me- Oh yeah about that I'm a witch now not a vampire so yeah not immortal any more. So whats this you left again do you ever stay anywhere for long.

Kol- listen to me Alexi if it was Ment to be it would have years ago. I want you to know this because I need to tell you. The night klaus daggered me I had a surprise for you I was going to purpose to you but never got to. Please take care of your self.

Me- wow that would have defo been a surprise and I would have said yes if you got to ask me that question back then. Goodbye Kol.

Then Kol hangs up.

I head downstairs and out the door no one tried to stop me.

I turn the car on and the stereo came on crazy love- beyonce and I started singing. Not long after driving I finaly reach the Mikaelsons house and I see Klaus's car is there so he should be home.

I walk into the house the door wasn't locked so it was easy.

Me- Klaus you here.

Klaus turns up behind me.

Klaus- your alive how.

Me- Okay no hey just your alive how. Right you listening because I'm saying this once I'm now a witch. The witches brought me back to life but I'm now a wepon to kill you so watch your back.

I say winking at him.

Klaus- Okay so how powerful are you.

Me- Don't know havnt tried.

Klaus- Why have you come here not that I'm not enjoying the company.

Me- Beks told me that they left you and I came to see how you are doing.

Klaus- Aww you know I'm fine just a bit lonely here.

Me- Lets go for a drink then

With that we left and drove to the grill.

Klaus- so do you like not being a vampire or do you miss it.

Me- I'm not going to miss the blood crav. But I am missing super speed and now I'm going to age omg I'm not gonna look like this for ever shit there will be a spell or something.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterWhere stories live. Discover now