“ I love you too baba. Thank you for the advise and wise words. Thank you for being there and raising me to be the woman I am today. My child is going to have three very over protective grandfathers. I hope she’s a girl to drive all of you crazy. Thank you baba. ” I wipe his tears off smiling, we laugh. “ I’ll see you when we walk you down the isle. ” he says and kisses my cheek and leaves.

Whew that was so emotional and touching. I’m worried about him though because he was too emotional like something was wrong with him but maybe it’s just my imagination and he’s really emotional cause I’m getting married. There’s a knock again and the door opens and wow it’s zipho. The Gumede's last born. “ wow! Wow! Wow!. My brother is going to faint the moment he lays his eyes on you sis luh. You look so beautiful. I have seen weddings and have been to many but I don’t think I have ever seen a bride as beautiful as you. I’m lucky to have a sister in-law who’s so very beautiful. ” this one has always been a charmer.

“ thank you zipho, you look so handsome and I bet many women have their eyes on you waiting for you to ask them out. ” he chuckles smiling. He looks like he’s brothers but you can see that he is a smooth talker and would charm any girl. “ I have a little something from my brother, he said he hopes this will make up for what he couldn’t give you today. ” he says. ok what is that?. He fishes for something in his breast pocket and takes out velvet box. “ what do you have in there? ” I ask him smiling. He chuckles, he looks cute.

“ he said this is something new and he hopes you will love it. He asked me to put it on you if that’s okay. ” I nod. He opens it and shows me the most beautiful diamond necklace I have ever seen. It has diamonds, a huge one is in the middle and the small one’s are surrounding it and wow it absolutely breath taking.

“ wow zipho, I love it. Oh my God I can’t believe he got me a diamond necklace and it is so beautiful. This diamond is huge. ” I tell him. A beautiful woman like you deserves only the finest things in life. Turn around and let me put it on. ” I turn around and he puts it on me and it is cold as it touches my warm skin. I look at myself in the mirror and it suits me. Zipho is almost as tall as his brothers but mbuso is taller than the both of them.

“ pregnancy looks beautiful on you. Our child is treating you really good and I can’t wait to meet him or her . ”  zipho though he says looking at me through the mirror. I smile. “ can I touch your stomach and feel it? ” I nod. He puts his hand and my babies move and he chuckles. “ does it hurts when she does that? ” I giggle. “ a she?, no she doesn’t . I love it when she or he moves and plays. ” I really do.

“ wow!. This is beautiful. I’m going to spoil her and I really hope it’s a girl so she can drive her dad crazy ” we both laugh. “ let me go before my brother kills me but before I leave I want to say to you thank you for bringing change into his life and making him a better brother, a better son and a better man than he was before you came into his life. Thank you sis lungi.” He says, kisses my cheek and leaves. I stand  there looking at my diamond ring. I’m in awe.

The only thing now left is something old and I wonder who is going to give it to me and what is it. My dad comes in with his son following behind and they look very handsome. “ my two favourite men in the whole wide world. Are you ready to take me down the isle? ” I ask them smiling and dad is looking at me with tears in his eyes. “ dad please don’t cry. ” he has tears in his eyes.

“ you were this little baby that loved to smile and follow her big brother around wherever he went and it used to drive him crazy. Then one day our lives changed and I lost all of you then found you again. Whenever I look at you I still see my little girl but I know you are a grown woman now and sometimes it is hard for me to accept. ” he stops and takes a deep breath. “ I’ll will always be your little girl baba no matter how old I get. ” he smiles.