chapter thirty-two

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I start screaming as my body writhes in agony, my whole body twitching madly. I can't stop screaming and my eyes prick with tears. Eventually it stops, but when I try to sit up and look at Harry, I hear Bellatrix shout the spell again and the excruciating pain starts again, her evil cackling the only thing I can hear. The pain is so intense and so all-consuming, it feels like constantly being stabbed with knives or struck by lightning. My head feels like it's going to burst and I don't think I've screamed this much in my entire life.

"STOP!" I just manage to hear Harry shout. Most of the pain stops, but there is still a consistent stinging feeling. Bellatrix jumps down to me and pulls me up by my hair, making me wince in pain and tears prick my eyes, but I can't react. "Please, leave her alone," he says. 

We look at each other and I shake my head at him, pleading with my eyes. I watch in sorrow as Harry hands over the prophecy to Lucius, who holds it up proudly. 

Then, there's a flash of white light and I can't see who it is at first through my wet eyes, but when I hear them say, "Get away from my godson," I know it's Sirius. He then lands a strong punch on Lucius, causing the prophecy to fall from his hands and it smashes into pieces. 

I get dropped by Bellatrix, who flies away and continues to cackle. As I fall onto my front and try to push myself back up, I see more flashes of white light and see more members of the Order appear. Moody. Tonks. Remus. Kingsley.

"Aurora!" I turn around to faintly see three people running towards me and as my eyes focus, I see Hermione, Ginny and Luna. They all quickly yet carefully help me down and Tonks runs over.

"Can you all still fight?" She asks. The girls shake their heads, not wanting to fight anymore, and then they look at me. I pull my wand up, wipe my tears away and smirk. "I might be slower than usual, but I can still fight." Tonks smirks back at me and I follow her to join the fighting.

I knock out Death Eater after Death Eater, but they just keep getting up and fighting back. Slowly, I feel my strength start to return to my body and in turn, the pain starts to leave. "Expelliarmus! Stupefy!"

I look up to see Sirius and Harry fighting side by side and when Harry disarms Lucius' cane, I hear Sirius call him by his late father's name, which makes Harry stop briefly. Then, Sirius disarms Lucius and sends him flying.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bellatrix appear and before I can shout a spell, she shouts, "Avada Kedavra!" and the spell strikes Sirius... right in his stomach. Sirius stands there, emotionless, glances at Harry and then his body floats up and disappears into thin air.

I gasp slightly, bringing my hands up to my mouth in shock. Remus quickly runs forward and holds Harry back in his arms, but I can see the upset in his face also. Yes, Harry has lost his godfather, but Remus has also lost his childhood best friend.

Harry screams out loud and it is horrible seeing him like this... it's like the night Cedric died, but much worse...

I see Bellatrix slink away in the darkness, escaping through a side corridor. Harry breaks out of Remus' grip and chases after her, leaving the room in near silence, apart from Remus' hushed sobs.

I look around me wildly looking for everyone else and when I see them, I try to sprint over to them, but my legs just give out and I collapse on the floor. The whole group rush forward and I feel everyone wrap their arms around me.

"Are you okay?" Neville asks in a worried voice. I reply and say I'm fine, the group starts to unwrap their arms. I look at Neville and he gives me a sad smile before pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he repeats in a mumble. I stroke his back and when we pull out of the hug, I smile at him. "It's okay. I'm okay."

He smiles back, then Moody walks over to us. "Where did Potter go?" He asks and I point to where Bellatrix ran from. "They'll be in the main entrance to the Ministry." He nods and lets us go find him.

When we do, we find Dumbledore knelt down in front Harry, who's laying on the floor and occasionally, he twitches and screams. His eyes keep going from their normal jade green colour to a dark green/yellow colour, surrounded by black.

I stifle my cries as I watch the scene, unable to do anything. Then, Harry starts to quietly speak.

"You're the weak one... and you'll never know love... or friendship... and I feel sorry for you..."

"He's talking to him," I whisper to the group, my eyes fixed on Harry's. He briefly glances at me before everything seems to stop, a bald person dressed in black robes appearing. Then, the Minister appears with a crowd, everything continues and I hear Fudge exclaim, "He's back!"

I immediately rush forward and drop to my knees in front of Harry, who's knocked out. "Is he okay?" I ask, tears dripping onto the floor. I feel Dumbledore lightly grab my shoulder and when I turn to him, he gives me a small smile.

"He'll be okay. Let's get you all back to school."

I nod my head and as I go to stand up, I see Harry start to wake up. His eyes flutter open and when we see each other, we both just smile. "You're okay?" He asks, his voice hoarse and cracking. 

I nod, smiling as tears drip down my cheeks. "I'm okay and you're okay too... we'll all be okay..."

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