chapter seven

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I give Harry a confused look. "Why are apologising? I know you've not done anything wrong," I say, looking into his sad eyes. "But it's hard enough for you as it is, having Cedric competing in the tournament. I don't want to make you feel even more emotional."

My heart melts slightly and I smile, before patting his hand slightly. "It's okay, as long as you stay safe and please keep an eye on Cedric for me. He's refusing to talk to me..."

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asks, now being the confused one. "Whenever I try to talk to him, he just ignores me or walks away. He must think that I hate him because he entered the competition after I asked him not to, which I don't, I could never hate him. I just... want to apologise and tell him that I support him."

Harry lets out a quiet sigh and gives me a small smile. "I'll tell him that next time I see him for you and I'll watch out for him." I smile back and thank him before flinging my arms around Harry, hugging him tightly. His body language seems quite startled, but he almost immediately hugs me back, his hand stroking the ends of my hair.

When we pull out of the hug, we just aimlessly talk about essays and assignments we've been given before we both head to bed.


It's been a little while since the Triwizard Champions were chosen and things have slowed down a little bit. I still haven't talked to Cedric, but I've hung out with Harry and Neville a lot recently, which is quite nice as I don't hang out with Neville that much and I'm really good friends with Harry.

I've tried to hang out with Ron and Hermione, but it's quite difficult because Ron and Harry aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment. I don't know the full story, but what I guessed is that Ron's jealous that Harry somehow got into the tournament and is annoyed about it.

At the moment, me, Harry and Neville are outside the school and down by the edge of the lake. Neville is in the water, doing some stuff for Herbology, Harry is reading a book Neville gave him and I'm just taking the time to relax.

"Magical Water Parts of the Highland Lochs?" Harry asks, reading the title of the book or chapter out loud. "Yeah, Moody gave it to me," Neville answers, "that day we had tea."

He then waves to someone and when me and Harry turn around, we see Hermione, Ginny and a moody Ron walking towards us. As they get closer, I can hear Hermione complaining to Ron about something and then, she walks up to Harry.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you," she explains, clearly confusing Harry, but she just sighs and reiterates that Hagrid is looking for him.

"Well you can tell Ronald--"

"I'm not an owl!"

The group walk away again and Harry looks to me for help, to which I simply shrug. "I guess you'd better go find Hagrid, then." He sighs and sits back down again, opening his book. "I'll find him tonight, I'll be in a better mood then."

Me and Neville look at each other as Harry starts reading again, exchanging a concerned look. After a few minutes, Harry sort of huffs and walks away, making his way back up to the castle. 

I sigh and move to the edge of the river, sitting down by the bank. I take my shoes and socks off, roll my trousers up to my shins and dip my feet into the water, the cold sending a chill through my body. Neville sits down next to me and hangs his head slightly.

"I wonder how long Harry and Ron are going to fight for," he says, fiddling with his fingers. I nod my head and look up at the sky. "It is quite petty, Ron knows that Harry didn't do anything to get in, his jealousy is just getting in the way of that."

Neville nods in response. "Well, Harry's had his interview with Rita Skeeter , hasn't he? That might take his mind off it when the Daily Prophet is issued."

"Yeah, that Skeeter lady is really something though. He might just get even more irritated. I think the one thing that could even take his mind off fighting with Ron would be the first event," I reply, looking across at Neville, who nods slightly.

"Anyway, we should probably head back up to the castle, it's getting on now," I say, standing up and putting my socks and shoes back on. "Yep, get ready for the challenge tomorrow. Have you made up your mind about coming to watch it?" Neville asks.

I was really hesitant about coming to watch the first challenge, but I decided it would be best to support all the champions and come watch it.

"Yeah, I'm going to come, I'll probably be with Ron and Hermione watching if you want to join us?" I ask, but Neville shakes his head. "I'm going to ask Ginny if we can watch together, we're getting closer as friends." I gasp slightly and congratulate Neville, joy flowing through me at the thought of his confidence starting to grow.

"Well, let's get going then! Don't want to miss the feast!" He exclaims, making me laugh as we start walking back up to the castle. 

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