Casualty Of Love (17)

Start from the beginning

She nodded, twisting the cap back on. "Mmhmm." She inhaled a slow deep breath, held it as she silently counted to five and then let it flow from her mouth. "Jaden." When the other woman looked at her and smiled so sweetly, Georgie wanted to pull her into her arms and keep her there forever. "We've only known each other since April. And we truly didn't become friends until we met up in Hawaii last month. So, technically, our friendship began about three weeks ago, although it seems like it's been longer. And I mean that in a good way."

The brunette continued to smile. "I agree."

"Only three weeks and I care about you so much." Her head shook in amazement. "It happened so quickly."

"I care about you too, Georgie."

"Jaden," sighing, she drank more water and then put the bottle on the carpet. "My feelings run deeper than just caring." She waited to see if Jaden would say something, but she kept her mouth shut. "I love you. And when I say that, I mean that I'm in...I'm falling in love with you. It seems to grow stronger each day."

It was Jaden's turn to drink a little H2O. Love? She loves me? She wondered if she could be dreaming. She wondered if she wanted to be dreaming. Jaden concluded that if this were all a dream, it would be best. "Georgie, I love you too, but--"

On the drive to Malibu, Georgie repeatedly told herself that she wouldn't cry, but she could feel the tears starting to sting. "But as a friend, right? I understand that you don't feel the same way about me. I just couldn't bear to hide how I feel about you. I had to tell you, because every time that I would look at you, I'd think it. And despite how exposed I'm feeling, saying that I love you seems right."

"Though I feel honored to be loved by you--any woman should-- Georgie, I'm not the right one for you. You could do so much better."

"How could I possibly do better when you're the best? I've never had feelings this strong for anyone and I highly doubt that I ever will again." She pointed toward Jaden with a shaky smile on her tear-streaked face. "You're it."

Grabbing a tissue from a nearby box, Jaden dabbed at the younger woman's cheeks before kissing one of them. "Sweetheart, if I didn't have HIV this conversation would be going in an entirely different direction. I care about you, I love you and in case by some miracle you hadn't noticed, I'm very attracted to you. But I won't do anything about it. I wouldn't feel comfortable, which is why I've remained single all these years. Hey, you're young," she gently smiled. "You'll find someone else. Just give it time."

"I don't want to, Jae and even if I did, I couldn't. When I said that you were it, I meant that. You've spoiled me for every other woman on the planet." The musician had to release a soft chuckle. "I just needed you to know and I hope that doesn't make you feel awkward around me. I hope that we can still be friends."

"Always. You're too good of a friend for me to let you go. Could I have a hug?"

Georgie smiled a little brighter. "Anytime." Lessening the distance between them, she wrapped her arms around Jaden. She didn't notice the few tears that escaped her love's eyes.

Since the living room was empty when she entered the apartment, Georgie went to her roommate's bedroom and knocked on the door. Hopefully, she was home. Hearing a muffled 'come in', Georgie walked inside, soundlessly closing the door behind her. Turning to Vanessa, she gave her a small wave. "Hi."

The CNA waved back. "Hi, yourself." Dropping the novel that she really hadn't been reading because she was too distracted with thoughts centering on Georgie, she sat up on her bed. "I've been worried about you. Would have called, but you didn't take your phone."

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