Honey (6)

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"Honey" -- Mariah Carey

Proudly wearing her recently purchased T-shirt with Jaden's picture and name printed on it, Sharon sat next to Georgie in their first row seats. Georgie had bought one as well after discovering that seventy percent of the proceeds were going to the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, but instead of wearing it, the T-shirt was tucked beneath the strap of her fanny pack. It would be one of the gifts that she would give to Vanessa upon her return to California on Monday. She still fully intended to kill her for meddling in her personal life, but she couldn't very well show up bearing no souvenirs from Honolulu.

The concert taking place at the Aloha Stadium, which was the home of the University of Hawaii football team, Georgie and Sharon's seats were positioned as close to the field as possible. Though a portion of the 50,000-seat stadium was closed off, the remaining sections were packed. Eyes scanning the outdoor arena, the pair couldn't find one empty seat.

Proof of her excitement, Sharon was practically vibrating in her seat. Turning toward her new friend, she grinned. Her excitement was so contagious that Georgie found herself swiftly grinning back. It was official. She liked the LVN. Somewhere between their idle chatting on the plane last night and sightseeing and souvenir shopping today, she had begun to enjoy Sharon's company. In fact, she wanted to kick herself for not giving her another chance after their date last year. After Sharon dropped her off at home, she easily convinced herself that there was no point on going on a second date. Perhaps their date might not have resulted in a relationship, but at the very least they could have been friends all of these months.

Leaning toward Georgie and speaking in a voice low enough so that the person sitting next to her wouldn't overhear, Sharon said, "Van told me in confidence that you're Jaden's real estate agent. Is that true or was she just yanking my chain? You can tell me. I've had a lot of practice, so I'm good at keeping secrets. Half the time I forget them anyway."

Georgie laughed. "It's true. I recently sold her a house." Sharon's excitement doubled before her very eyes.

"Cool. I won't ask the location because you probably can't tell me," the dark-haired woman replied, a grin forming. "Are you friends or is it just a strictly professional relationship?"

I could be wrong, but I think skinny-dipping qualifies as more than a professional relationship. "We're more like acquaintances at this point."

"Does she know you're here?"

"I never told her I was coming to her final concert."

They spent the next few minutes talking until music playing followed by boisterous cheering turned their attention toward the stage where Jaden was walking out from behind a curtain. Georgie's jaw connected with her lap as she took in the performer's outfit. She wanted to stand up and salute her. Instead she joined in on the clapping as Jaden stopped behind the microphone with a broad smile on her face, bright eyes inspecting the vast audience as though she were searching for someone in particular.

Obviously in a patriotic mood, she was wearing bell-bottom hip hugger camouflage army pants and an olive green halter style short-sleeved keyhole top, which showed off a teasing amount of cleavage and left none of Jaden's fantastic abs to the imagination. Her hair, shining and fanning around her shoulders was covered with a du-rag that matched her pants.

Have I mentioned that she's a goddess? Georgie silently asked herself. Unzipping her fanny pack, she pulled out her camera and quickly snapped a couple shots of Jaden. She would take the pictures to Wal-Mart to get them developed and enlarged to be placed on her bedroom wall. Her blonde head slowly shook in a response to such thoughts. Gee Georgie, are you obsessed much?

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