Kima: 1 On the road again

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    Going scared me senseless. After what happened to my mom the years before I thought this school would end up being a little bit intense. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kira Parker. I am the daughter of Kylie Parker and Lucacs Parker. I am a Bansheleonfaewhisp. Yep you heard me right, a Bansheleonfaewhisp (Banch-aleon-fae-whisp.) I don’t get how I ended up getting fae as one of my dominant traits. I ‘m a  banshee, cameleon, fae, and ghost whisperer. Anywho. I took a tour of the school awhile back and my Mom showed me all the places where all of her crazy adventures were. And then I vowed to never go there.
    Good thing I vowed for nothing.
    Well it made it worse when they shaped me up and shipped me out.
    I didn’t think my Mom would do such a thing. It hurt and my Mom could tell. Well at least I had friends who were, both, supernatural. Dellas child, who is a full vamp, Min-Ji and Miranda's and Perry’s child, a half witch half shapeshifter, Tryell.
    I stepped on to the bus with my suitcase in hand.
“Good morning Ms. Merrith.” I said with a fake smile plastered on my face.
I stepped pass all the rows of seats and headed to the back, some people nodded to me and the newbies checked my pattern and then passed out.
“Oh… someone's in a very…” Min-Ji started when I got to the back of the bus.
“Don’t...finish...that sentence...if you be hear.” I growled.
“What happened?” Tryell asked. “I thought you were excited to go here. Also who's the hot shapeshifter in the front?”
“That’s my guy.” Min-Ji hissed.
“Gosh I just wanted to know.” Tryell said with a smirk.
“Ty, can you keep it down?” I asked, rubbing my forehead.
Just then the ghost decided to pop in on the seat in front of me.
“Just go away.” I muttered. I put my head down "Just go away."  
“Excuse me?” Ty asked
“Ty, shut up.” Min-Ji snapped. She reached over and rubbed my back.  You could tell she wanted to get away from me but didn’t want to act like her mom.
“Can I sit here?” A deep soothing voice asked.
“Yea if you want to sit on a ghost.” I said without looking up.
“Boy someones moody.” The voice said again.
“Well you try dealing with ghosts.” I looked up and saw a normal looking boy staring at me. Min-Ji hissed and bared her canines. 
“Well maybe I can help you. What's its name?” He asked.
“I suggest you move.” I told him as my devil ghost moved toward him.
“No, I want to help.” 
“Please. Unless you want to almost die, MOVE.” I told him more harshly. The ghost moved forward and stuck its face in his chest. “I warned you.” The ghost screamed, grabbed his heart and squeezed.  I started screaming because of the ghost, who's a banshee (because if a banshee hears another banshee sream they scream because their ears can’t handle the same frequency they scream. I'm not sure I can describe it any less confusing). My ears started bleeding and I passed out.  When I woke up everyone was off the bus and the suitcases were on the ground. The bus's windows were shattered and whoever the boy was laid next to me, he still was knocked out.
“Oh, shoot.” I said, I put my hands on both sides of his head.
“What happened!?” He shouted as he shot up right.
         “What happened was you making a huge mistake by hanging around.” Min-Ji hissed, baring her canines again.
          “MIN-JI!” I shouted at her. Everything's good, I just broke the bus.”
    “You. Broke. The. Bus?” He gaped.
    “Yea, Duh dumb dumb.” Min-Ji said, her canines fully exposed. 
    “I should tell them what happened.” I said, standing up and brushing myself off. Though I didn’t get that far before I fell and almost died. The guy's arms wrapped around me and helped me stand up.
 “Thanks.” His touch brought the calm feeling some of my Mom's touches brought. I stepped out of his hands. “Why did you do that?”
He looked shocked.
“You can feel that?” He asked.
“Yea. I’m the daughter of Kylie. Kylie Parker.”
“Oh.” He looked so cute when he looked down at his shoes and blushed. “Well that would explain the ghost stuff.” He looked up and under his breath he muttered, “And why I think you beautiful.” 
“Thanks.” I muttered, turning all shades of pink.
“EVERYONE ON THE NEW BUS!” Our bus driver said.
“Did I hurt anyone!?” I asked when that thought came to mind.
“Only Ty. And he only got 1 shard to the arm. The only person who you hurt was yourself. And even that was the ghost, not you.” Min-Ji answered truthfully.
“OH GOSH! Was the shard big?” I asked frantically.
“Wow, watch the language.” Min-Ji said sarcastically.
“I know sorry. But really, answer the question.” I said.
“It was little, your fine.” She said stepping on the bus.
I looked over my shoulder to see Ty right at the end of the line with a paper towel on his arm. I winced and mouthed sorry to him. He took the paper towel off and showed that there was no cut but just left over blood. He smiled and pointed in front of him and mouthed he’s good looking. I looked at the guy and scanned him up and down. When I looked back up he was staring at me and was smirking.
“Find something you like?” 
I just blushed and looked forward to stepping onto the bus platform.
A little while later I was stuck on the bus with a ghost in front of me, two arguing  friends and a good looking someone sitting by me. 
“Can you guys just shut up?” I asked about 30 minutes into the ride to camp. “I get there’s a hot shapeshifter in the front, and you guys both want him. But stop fighting and just shut up. The ghost is going to sream soon if you keep it up.”  Their faces went slack and they didn’t talk. 
“Did that really work?” I asked as I looked at their faces. They were staring at my forehead. “What does it say now?”
“Well those canines might give it away.” Min-Ji said, looking happy.
“Oh, shoot.” I said running my finger over the extended canines. Blood dropped into my mouth. I pulled back my finger that was covered in blood. I grabbed the paper towel Ty extended towards me. “Thanks.” 
“Shoot.” The boy next to me said falling out of his seat. “That was cool.” He said as he clambered into his seat next to me.
“If you think that was cool, watch this.” I reached out and grabbed his hand and held onto it. Suddenly he looked at my forehead.
“Holy crap. You're a fae now.” He said.
“Yea.” I respond, “And I’ll let go and stop sending emotions into your brain once you tell me your name. And trust me I can send emotions you’ve never felt before.”
 “Trust her.” Ty and Min said at the same time after staring at each other in shock.
“Dilan.” He said “Spelled D-I-L-A-N.”
“Well then, Dilan, don’t look at me like I’m the only thing on this bus. Really flateing, trust me, but I think that were in the front has a thing for you. And I don’t mess with any were’s and if you want me, just ask.”  All he did was keep my hand interlocked with his. I softly smiled at him and he kissed me gently.
“Trust me that were ain't my type. But you are.” He kissed me more passionately and I felt something click inside and I knew he was the one.  
I fell asleep in his arms on the bus ride there. I felt someone shaking me awake and whispering,
“We’re here.” Dilan came into view. I sat up right and looked out the window.
All I saw was forest. Lush, beautiful, green forest.
“Lets go.” All my excitement came back from the day before the tour.
“Someones excited.”  Min-Ji said.
“Let’s go run in the fields after orientacion.” I told them.
“Okay but I warned ya. I do not run fast.” Dilan chriped in. 
“No faes do.” Said Tryell in a sad voice. “Such a fit body meant for nothing.”
“Okay, let's get going.” I said, inroge Ty’s comment. 

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