i. welcome to westover hall

Start from the beginning

"Cream cheese and lox?" Leila finished. "Yep! It's sort of your go-to."

Andi grinned. "Yeah, that sounds about right too."


Six grueling classes later, Andi was back in her dorm with Leila, picking out outfits for the dance.

If Andi was being perfectly honest, today was one of her better school days. She didn't get into any fights, she only got scolded for talking out of turn a few times, and she managed to successfully bullshit her way through just about everything. Still, school was school and Andi was a girl with two learning disabilities, so by the end of the day, she had a major headache and really just wanted to take a nap. It didn't help that she hadn't managed to achieve the one thing she'd wanted to, which was to talk to Grover. She had a few classes with him but never got a chance to speak with him outside of class. It was almost like he was avoiding her.

(She also found out she had landed back in 2013, so that kind of sucked.)

Unfortunately, as much as she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her day shutting out the world, Andi had a dance to get to.

"What do you think? Is this too much?" Leila asked, holding up a pink sequined dress.

Andi grimaced. "Definitely. I don't think this is a sequin type of dance, you know?" Leila hummed in agreement and returned the dress to its rightful place in her armoire. Andi rummaged through her own wardrobe again, trying desperately to find something that was worthy of being seen in by her comfort characters and potentially a goddess. She was growing more and more frustrated by the minute. Normally, Andi didn't go to dances, and if she did, Cass picked out her outfit for her. But Cass wasn't here.

No. No, Andi was not allowed to think about that because she knew if she thought about it for longer than two seconds, she'd have another mental breakdown. No, she had to just focus on the task at hand, which was...actually, she wasn't entirely sure what her plan was here. Even if she was magically transported into the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, it didn't automatically make her a demigod, and if she wasn't a demigod, she had no excuse to involve herself in the actual plot. But she had to have been sent here for a reason, right?

"What about these together?"

Leila's voice snapped Andi out of her trance. Andi glanced at the black skirt and purple top Leila was holding. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Leila rolled her eyes. "Okay, just go lie down. I'll pick out our outfits."

"Oh, thank the gods," Andi sighed, and she immediately flopped down on her sorry excuse for a mattress. It took Leila another fifteen minutes, but she managed to put together an outfit for each of them. Once they were dressed, Leila did her own makeup and then offered to do Andi's, but Andi refused. Finally, after what seemed like decades of prep work, they were ready for the dance.

Andi checked herself out in the mirror. She didn't look half-bad. Leila had dressed her in dark skinny jeans and a light pink long flowy tank while Leila wore a white lacey top tucked into a blue skater skirt. Andi had never realized how tragic 2013 fashion was, all the bright colors and weird patterns. In her universe, in 2013, she was just a little kid, too young to really pay attention to what teenagers were wearing, but it was no wonder it went out of style.

They went down to the gymnasium, Leila's black heels clicking on the tile floors. Leila had wanted Andi to wear heels too but after a short yet heated argument, she agreed to let Andi wear sneakers. She'd also let Andi borrow a white cardigan, which made Andi feel guilty because if everything went according to plan, Leila would never have a chance to get her cardigan back.

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