"If you can't explain it, you definitely need to do something about it. Because that unexplainable feeling in the pit of your stomach...the one that makes your heart beat faster and puts a smile on your face just by thinking about her...that means something serious." Yoongi says, and Namjoon looks at him hopefully, awing in how wise Yoongi is. He put his feelings into words perfectly.

"What does it mean, Min?" Namjoon asks eagerly.

"It means you're whipped." Yoongi deadpans, and Hoseok lets out a bark of laughter before clapping his hand over his mouth.

"Never thought I'd hear the mighty unit chief of the BAU say 'whipped.'" Taehyung chuckles, glancing up from his book.

"Well, that's the first and last time I'll say it, so, keep it in the vault." Yoongi says, before seeming to check out of the conversation by directing his eyes out the window into the clouds.

"I still don't know what to do." Namjoon says to Hoseok, who is the only member of the team who seems very invested in helping Namjoon. It's not that the others don't care, rather that Hoseok is just a person with a tendency to care more than most people about most everything.

"I think you should surprise her. Figure out a way to take her on a date that won't just lead to making out in your car." Hoseok suggests. "Based on your previous conversations, it seems like she really likes you, but is using surface-level physicality as a way of keeping her more in-depth feelings for you at bay. If you can take her off guard with a date that she can't interrupt by sticking her tongue down your throat, there's gonna be no way to avoid the underlying emotion. You'll be able to talk about how you feel. Y'know?" The more Hoseok speaks, the more right he sounds to Namjoon. Hoseok's theory really does explain the sudden change in dynamic between himself and Eunsook.

"Okay. How do I do that?" Namjoon agrees after a few seconds of deliberation.

"I don't know. I don't know her, but you do. You'll figure something out with that big brain of yours." Hoseok says encouragingly, but the euphemism goes right over his head.

"Actually, contrary to popular belief, the size of the brain has no correlation with intelligence—" Namjoon stops when Hoseok puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a gentle smile. Namjoon knows what that smile means. He has gotten too many times not to. "Never mind. Thanks, Jung."

Hoseok goes back to scrolling on his phone with a nod, and Namjoon sets to work on devising a perfect plan to get Eunsook to go on a date with him.


Jungkook is awful at keeping how he feels secret. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and it's impossible for him to keep his emotions off his face. Luckily for him, he's very good at keeping the reasons behind his emotions to himself, so the whole world can't read him in one glance. Still, if he's upset, or happy, or annoyed, it is extremely evident.

Which is why he never would have thought Kim Namjoon would ask him for a favor.

"I'm sorry, what?" Jungkook asks after a few seconds of staring blankly at the man in the nice suit. It looked like he had just come from an important meeting, and he probably had, considering the whole nature of his work radiates importance. Jungkook felt relatively underdressed in comparison, even though he knew there was nothing wrong with his attire for waiting tables. Kim Namjoon just has a way of making him feel inferior, and Jungkook hates it. "Are you serious?" He adds when Namjoon continues to look at him hopefully.

"About Eunsook? Yes." Namjoon replies, and Jungkook lets out a scoff of contempt. He sorely regrets covering his stupid coworker who had a family emergency and couldn't make it to the diner for the dayshift. If he had known that Kim Namjoon would walk in and ask him for help to plan a surprise date for Eunsook, Jungkook would have denied the request for coverage on sight. "I want to make our first proper date something special. I want to surprise her."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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