The Race Begins

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 5: The Race Begins

With Fishlegs adamant about his Regatta preparations, Astrid and Hiccup flew back to the Academy, where all the villagers were already seated in the stands cheering for the teams and the rest of the teens and dragons were positioned at the starting point in their teams.

"Okay, Fishlegs and Meatlug aren't going to be joining us so it will just be me, Astrid, Toothless and Stormfly." Hiccup informed the others.

"Just you and Astrid?" Raeda questioned.

"Yep." Astrid answered.

The two girls on team Deadly Fury exchanged looks and smirked. "Team Hiccstrid!" They both cheered, each pumping a fist into the air.

This earned an eyeroll from both members of team Hiccstrid as they tried to hide their blush.

The teens then got ready for the race, the dragons equally excited as their humans were as each fired at the ground, making the crowd cheer even more. Gothi stood a few paces in front of the starting line, holding a purple flag.

"Alright gang, when Gothi drops that flag, we race." Hiccup announced.

"Good luck and may the best team will." Hicca said.

"We definitely will." Raeda said, hi-fiving Hicca.

"Hey, losers?" Snotlout called the other two teams

"What?" Ruffnut and Tuffnut asked, causing Snotlout to look at them.

"Oh, sorry. Were you talking to us?" Tuffnut questioned.

"No, I was talking to the other teams. You guys aren't the losers. You're part of me. I'm a winner." Snotlout said.

"Oh." The blonde twins said.

"Makes sense." Ruffnut shrugged.

"If you guys race as well as you trash talk, you're in big trouble." Astrid taunted.

"Oh, yeah? Well, welcome to Loserville, and I'm the mayor. I'm going to give you the key to being a loser." Tuffnut retorted, before frowning. "Wait. Nah, that doesn't work."

Gothi released the flag and they were off, as the cheers from the audience grew louder. Once all six dragons were spotted in the air, one of the vikings blew a horn to signal Sven to release his sheeps from their pen, starting the chase.

Each team split up with Hiccup, Hicca, Ruffnut and Tuffnut as one group collecting sheeps and Astrid, Raeda and Snotlout as another.

The Haddock twins and Thorston twins found four sheeps at the beach.

"Let's go, Midnight!" Hicca said, pointing to the sheeps. The female immediately dived down for them.

Hiccup spotted the sheeps as well. "Come on, Toothless. Alright buddy, here we go!"

Ruffnut and Tuffnut were right on their tails. "Yes, white woollies!" Tuffnut cheered.

Each dragon grabbed one sheep with Barf and Belch grabbing one sheep per head, giving the Thorston twins two sheeps. "Zippleback, baby!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

Raeda, Snotlout and Astrid also managed to find a sheep. "Let's go, girl." Astrid said to Stormfly.

Sparkfire, Hookfang and Stormfly dove down for the sheep and it was a race to see who would reach it first, although it seemed that the three dragons may collide with one another.

Raeda was the first to make her dragon turn away, not wanting to take the risk, leaving Snotlout and Astrid.

"I'm not turning! I'm not turning!" Snotlout shouted to Astrid.

"Well, neither am I!" Astrid shouted back, determination filling her eyes.

As the two dragons came closer, Snotlout finally caved and steered Hookfang away, allowing Astrid and Stormfly to grab the sheep.

"Knew it." Astrid said smugly, as Stormfly flew up. A sudden series of spines caused Stormfly to swerve on reflex. Taken by surprise, Astrid clutched onto her saddle and in doing so, accidently dropped her sheep which was then caught by Raeda as Sparkfire flew under them.

"Thanks, Astrid!" Raeda called to the Hofferson girl as Sparkfire flew away.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut flew to the snowy mountains of Berk and found one sheep at one of the peaks. Tuffnut dangled upside down Belchs' neck, ready to snatch up the sheep as the Zippleback flew to the peak. "Here, little sheepy sheepy. Don't worry, it's just your old buddy, Tuffnut." But what the blonde boy failed to notice was the tree in his path until he collided with it, causing him to miss his chance to catch the sheep.


Startled, the sheep took a few steps back only to slip and fall down the slope. Luckily for the sheep, Hiccup and Toothless managed to catch it in time. "Gotcha. Thanks, Tuff!" Hiccup shouted to the male Thorston while holding the sheep.

Back in the Academy, Mulch and Bucket stood near the three basket where each team deposited their sheeps and tallied the results. "And the teams are all tied up!" Mulch announced.

"BLACK SHEEP! TIE-BREAKER!" All the human competitors yelled as they flew off in search of the sheep

This time, the six teens flew together in search for the sheep. "There's the Black Sheep! Get it! Get it!" Tuffnut announced to his sister, getting the others' attention. Barf, Belch, Midnight and Toothless raced down for the sheep. Unfortunately the sheep passed through many trees created a path two narrow for either of the two Night Furies to pass. Barf and Belch found a way in and was on the sheeps' tail. "Dark wool, dead ahead. I love dark wool." Tuffnut said to Ruffnut as they continued to chase the sheep. Unfortunately, in doing so Barf and Belch moved each head to either sides of a tree ahead of them, causing his body to collide with the tree and throwing his riders off their saddles.

The sheep then ran into a clearing where Raeda, Snotlout and Astrid spotted it. Once again all three dragons dove in at the same time. "Not backing off this time!" Snotlout said stubbornly. Raeda also had the same thoughts, knowing her plan wouldn't work the second time.

"That's what you always say, right before you back off!" Astrid taunted.

The black sheep ran as fast as it could hoping to find some cover. When it couldn't, it looked back up to see the Monstrous Nightmare and the two Deadly Nadders getting closer. Terrified, the sheep suddenly fainted, resigned to its fate of being thrown in the basket.

Astrid eyes widened when she saw all three dragons were going to collide. "Snotlout!"

"Oh, no!" Snotlout muttered, knowing it was too late to swerve.

"This is going to hurt." Raeda said, closing her eyes and bracing herself.

All three dragons collided with each other right above the sheep and crashed to the ground. Having seen this, the Haddock twins and the Thorston twins landed near them.

"Are you guys alright?" Hicca asked the three fallen teens and dragons.

Raeda got up and noticed her dragon in pain. "Sparkfire!" She and Hicca ran to the purple Nadder and the latter checked up on her.

"Oh, poor girl! You're wing is broken. Looks like you won't be able to fly for a while." Hicca informed the Nadder. Sparkfire whined in response and Raeda hugged her dragon as comfort.

"My arm! I can't believe you!" Astrid exclaimed, glaring at Snotlout as she held her injured arm, getting the others attention.

"Sorry. I'll go get Gothi." Snotlout said, jumping on Hookfang. He then smirked and grabbed the nearby sheep as Hookfang flew passed him. "Right after I drop this off. Yeah, ha ha ha, Snotlout!" But Karma strikes back as Snotlout gets hit in the face by a branch, throwing him and the sheep off Hookfang. Snotlout fell to the ground once again with the sheep landed on his stomach. "Bull's-eye!" Snotlout wheezed as the sheep walked away, unbothered by this.

"Forget it. I'll go get Gothi." Hicca said, getting on Midnight.

The Haddock Twins: Dawn of the Dragon RacersWhere stories live. Discover now