Start from the beginning

"I don't have any supplies."

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry."

"Shukran habibi (Thank you love)," Zuleika replied.

Zuleika touched me and grabbed my hand as we shared a heart connecting moment. For the first time in eight months, I felt the sense of clarity that my ex-wife robbed from me. My body was flooded with a warm feeling. I could tell Zuleika was feeling the same as her face was blushed with a strawberry tone. We were like two lovers meeting for the first time. However, our moment was ruined by a distinct voice that I hoped never to hear again.

"Asad? Is that you?"

Zuleika and I both looked up and saw a woman in her mid-twenties approaching our table. It was my ex-wife Suffiya. Suffiya is an African American woman, two shades lighter than my skin tone. She wore a sky blue hijab, a long sleeve purple sweater, and a tan skirt that reached her high heel boots. When Suffiya finally was three feet away from our table, I caught a whiff of the white diamond fragrance oil she loved to wear. Unfortunately, I was not too fond of that scent.

"Asad, where have you been," the Suffiya asked.

"Suffiya, what are you doing here," I asked with a cold tone. Zuleika looked at Suffiya with a confused glare.

'Well, it's a mall, silly? I am here to do some shopping. Now answer my question."

"I've been out of town. I went to Mecca for Hajj and toured the middle east."

"Wonderful. If I knew you were going to do that, I would have waited for a divorce." Suffiyalaughed atrociously. I put an end to it. Not once did Suffiya acknowledge Zuleika's presence, so I decided to introduce my wife.

"Suffiya, it was great that you did. I would not have met my amazing wife from Iraq. I like you to meet Zuleika." Suffiya chuckles immediately stopped. Suffiya glared at Zuleika. Suffiya tried to pretend that she was not surprised that I managed to marry so quickly. She was not that good at hiding her true feelings. Suffiya gave a smug look when her feelings were hurt. It was not my intention to be petty, but I wanted Suffiya gone. Zuleika gave the cutest Islamic greeting in her Iraqi accent."

"Oh, you got married again so soon?"

"You did before the Eddah period was over."

"How long did you known her?"

"That is none of your business."

"You sound bitter. I just came to say hello," Suffiya replied with an attitude.

"If you don't mind, I like to have some privacy with my wife,"?

"Well, I know when I am not wanted. Awe-salaam Alaikum!" Suffiya replied as she stormed off. Zuleika looked at me with the same confused look.

"Who was that," Zuleika asked.

"My ex-wife."

After meeting my ex-wife for the first time in months, I felt mixed anger and frustration. Was there still love for her? I would be lying if I said no. I took a ride home with Zuleika to help me forget about Suffiya. Zuleika and I returned to the car. Once the bags were loaded into the trunk, I attempted to start the car, but Zuleika stopped me. She put her hand over on my hand that had the key in the ignition. I was concerned because I thought that she wanted to talk about Suffiya. I was wrong.

Zuleika put her hand on my cheek and kissed my lips. I felt a surge of warmness as my heart raced. The feeling I had for Suffiya was gone. When Zuleika released my lips, she looked at me.

"Let's hurry home," Zuleika requested.

Within a 15-minute drive, I was parking the driveway. After taking all that we purchased into the bedroom, Zuleika entered and immediately removed her clothes. Zuleika jumped into my arms and kissed me. We both fell onto the bed, where I joined her in nudity. We passionately made loved.

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