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My heart was in my throat.
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

“Hi sweetie,” she said as she kissed me. Her lips were so soft.

I was already getting aroused. 

She smiled.
“Down, boy.”

She kissed me again.
“Save it for later.”

I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly.
“I love you, Belle.”

She kissed me again and took my hand.
“Come, Jimmy. Take me for a walk along the beach.”

It was just the two of us, hand in hand, walking along the beach, in our secret little hiding place. 

Being the way we were did have its advantages, and one was finding this little cove snuggled in between two cliffs.

We didn’t speak. There was no need to. We were both young and so in love.
But there was something just not right with Belle.

“What’s wrong, honey? You don’t seem like yourself.”

Belle stopped and turned to me. 

“You do love me, don’t you Jimmy?”

“Of course I do. You know that.”

Belle smiled and gently put her hand on my face.
“I have something to tell you and I am hoping you will be as happy as I am about it.”

I had no idea what Belle wanted to tell me, but the excitement in her face was making me just as excited.

She stood there, caressing my face and smiling. I could see a tear in the corner of one of her beautiful green eyes.

“Are you ok, Belle?” I asked, now getting a little concerned.

Belle laughed and wiped her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me.
“I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry.”

“Belle, just tell me. You know that you can tell me anything.”

She pulled away from me and took a deep breath, gaining her composure.
“Jimmy, my darling, we are going …”

I heard a sound like a quick breeze.
Belle was simply standing in front of me, her mouth open, froze.

I reach to her and stroked her cheek.
“Tell me, Belle.”

Blood began to trickle down her neck and I watched in horror as her head slid to the left and fell to the ground at my feet.
Her headless torso fell into my arms.

I tried to scream, but nothing came.

Suddenly, a shadow-like figure appeared about 10 feet in front of me, with two men dressed in white suits at his side.

I had never seen these men before, but somehow they looked familiar.

The shadowed figure stepped forwards a couple of feet.

I looked down at my Belle’s headless body and I lowered her gently to the ground. 

I closed my eyes. 

A hand was now on my throat and I felt like I was being lifted.

My closed eyes were now open and I was staring into the darkest eyes I had ever seen.

A voice filled my head.
“Target eliminated. Target eliminated. Target eliminated.”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed as loudly as I could.

I sat up in my bed, eyes wide open, sweating, my heart pounding so loudly it felt like the whole room was moving.

I looked around.
I was in my bedroom and as far as I could see, I was alone.
It was a dream… Just a vision of the past. 

My head was pounding.
That really surprised me because I never get a hangover.
Matter of fact, I never get drunk.

Something was just not right. 

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