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"Are you okay, Sir James?"

I turned slowly.

Zara was standing next to me.


She smiled and hugged me.

"It is good to see you safe, brother."


What the fuck?

Zara kissed my cheek.

"I am glad to see that you are safe. I did not know if we would get here in time."

"What is going on?"

I suddenly felt more lost than I ever had in my entire life.

"I felt that Ayleana was plotting something, so I became part of this world that she created. I had to stay close to you, brother."

A very handsome older man joined Zara.

She kissed his cheek.

"Father, this is Dzheyms, your son."


The man smiled.

"I am Schlatt. I am your father."

He hugged me.

Suddenly all the confidence and the cockiness that I had as James, came flooding back.


He kissed both my cheeks and my forehead.

"Yes I am your father. Your mother was ..."

He looked toward Zara.

Zara shook her head.

"I loved your mother very much, Dzheyms. She was much more than just a God to me."

He smiled and then turned to Ayleana, the smile leaving his face.

"Do you know who I am?"

She shook her head.

"I am your creator," he said softly.

"My creator?" Ayleana whispered.

"You threatened my son. I cannot allow that. You are a God. But I am the creator of the Gods. Do you understand that?"

Ayleana shook her head.

"I created you, Ayleana. And I have the power to destroy you," Schlatt told her.

"No," I quipped.

"Do not kill her."

Schlatt turned to me.

"You want I should spare her life?"

I nodded.

Schlatt smiled.

"You are not like the others, my son."

He looked at the soldiers.

"Take her somewhere where she will cause no harm."

In a flash she was gone.

Schlatt looked at me.

"What do you want, my son?"

Tears filled my eyes.

Zara kissed my cheek.

"I know what my brother wants."

Darkness fell around me.

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