Chapter 22

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*Zuko's POV*

            I struggled against the Dai Li's restraints with all of my strength but they wouldn't budge. Once those goons captured me for my sister they brought me down into an underground lair that looked similar to the one they had kept the avatars bison in.

We stopped at a round rock on the wall, and two of them lifted it up.

"You've got company," one of the spoke into the dark hole before throwing me in. I groaned as I rolled down a sharp decline and landed hard on the floor.

"Zuko!" I heard Katara's voice sound from in front of me as the rock was placed back in its spot.

I got up on my knees and looked up at her, who had changed from surprised to angry.

I sighed and got up, dusting off my robe.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Katara yelled, backing away from me.

I brought my brows together angrily, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Obviously not!"

Geez she was always so dramatic every time we cross paths. Mara is never like that. My eyes widened, Mara! Uncle better have gotten to her and kept her safe. Azula doesn't know that she is with us so she should be fine. I need to find a way out of here so that I can go back to her. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't even realize Katara was still going off about her girl stuff until she got in my face.

"Hello! I'm talking to you!"

I made a face at her and sat facing the wall, putting my back to her.

I could hear her pacing back and forth behind me.

"Why did they throw you in here?" she paused before continuing, "Oh, wait, let me guess – it's a trap so that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches."

What is she talking about? I glanced back at her and then faced the wall again.

"You're a terrible person you know that? Always following us, hunting the Avatar, trying to capture the world's last hope for peace!" she took a breath, "But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood."

I have had enough of her. "You don't know what you're talking about," I spat back.

"I don't? How dare you!" she yelled in response. "You have no idea what this war has put me through. Me personally." I glanced back to see her now crouched down and turned away from me. "The Fire Nation took my mother away from me." I could tell that she was crying from the way her voice sounded.

I turned more to see her better, "I'm sorry." I shifted to face her on the ground, "That's something we have in common."

She stopped crying and glanced backwards at me.

I stood up and took a couple steps towards her. "My mother was taken away from me too, by the Fire Nation," the words were bitter on my tongue, I don't think I have ever said that aloud before.

Katara stood up and faced me, looking embarrassed. We stood there awkwardly in silence for a moment, until she said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you before."

"It doesn't matter," I responded, looking down at the ground. The words that I spoke about my mother echoed in my brain.

"It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face," she glanced wearily at me.

She means my scar. "My face," I subconsciously brought my hand up to it, "I see." I turned away slightly, all too aware of the feelings my scar gives people.

Life Happens Wherever You Are (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now