Chapter 21

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I stirred against Zuko, feeling the warmth of his chest on my cheek. Zuko shifted as well, his eyes fluttered open, looking down at me. A smile crept across his face as he looked at me, and then he yawned and stretched. I sat up, squinting at the morning sunlight that was streaming through our window.

            "Are you ready to serve the King?" I asked Zuko, watching him stand.

"Yes, I think it will go great. As long as if the Earth King likes tea," Zuko chuckled to himself, pulling on his serving robe.

I laughed softly, "That is true." I stood and pulled on my dark green dress, tying it securely.

We both walked out of the room and into the main area where Iroh was getting things ready.

"Ah! There you two are!" I could hear the excitement in his voice, and he had a huge grin on his face.

I smiled, "Good morning Iroh," I bowed my head. "I was thinking, it would probably be best if I didn't come with you two to the palace."

"What?" Zuko turned to me, searching my face.

"Why is that, Mara?" Iroh asked.

"Well," I fidgeted with my dress. "I am not really a server, you guys are. I wouldn't really have anything to do if I went. I was thinking that I could go visit Pao and see how his plants are doing, as well as check up on your tea shop Iroh."

Iroh smiled warmly in response, "How very kind and thoughtful of you Mara. If that is what you want to do, you can do it."

I smiled back at Iroh and turned to Zuko. My stomach fluttered when our eyes met, my thoughts flooded of the night before. He had a confused look on his face, which turned into what seemed to be worry.

"Be careful while you're out there by yourself. I don't want you to get hurt," Zuko said softly, leaning into me.

"I'll be safe, I promise."

Zuko still looked uneasy but nodded to me. Iroh finished packing what he needed and I helped them load it into their carriage before getting into my own and heading to the lower ring. I hope Pao is still doing okay. We hadn't been away for too long, but who knows what could have happened.

The carriage stopped down the street of Pao's tea shop and I got out. I walked to the entrance and stopped, taking a breath before entering.

Pao greeted me with a huge smile, "Mara! What brings you here?"

I smiled back at him, "I told you that I would visit didn't I? How're the plants doing?" I walked to the back of the shop with him so that he could show me.

He excitedly presented his flourishing plants, "Look! This one has a bud on it!"

"That is great Pao! See, I told you you could do it," I examined the rest of the plants and saw that they were all doing good. Satisfied with what I had taught him, we went back to the front of the shop. "How is business?"

Pao sighed, "Well, it hasn't been the same since you left, but Mushi had left some tea recipes with me so it is better than it was. I hope all is well at the new tea shop?"

"Yes, very well. They are actually out serving the King right now, very exciting."

Pao nodded, I could tell he was discouraged.

"Pao, don't give up. Some day you will be as great as them," I smiled warmly at him, which he returned.

After some more conversation, I decided it was time to head to the Jasmine Dragon to see how things were doing. I said goodbye to Pao and went back to the carriage that brought me there, only to see that it was not there. Where could they have gone? I sighed in frustration. I told them to wait for me here.

Life Happens Wherever You Are (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now