Chapter 20

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We gathered in Iroh's new tea shop. I didn't realize how much work had already been done. The tables and chairs were set up, there were lanterns hung, a green rug in the middle with lighter green dragons going down the sides of it, and there were a group of servers in matching green outfits.

The same outfits that Zuko and Iroh were now wearing. Iroh was wearing a hat though, and Zuko wasn't. I was still wearing my new green dress, it seemed to fit right in with everything.

"It looks wonderful in here Iroh, I had no idea you had all of this set up already," I said, taking it in.

"Thank you Mara, I am very proud of it," he smiled at me, and then turned his attention to the group of servers, "Alright everyone! It is time to open our doors!"

Everyone cheered and opened the large double doors in the front, which revealed a line of people that had gathered outside.

We stood on the other side of the shop, facing the doors.

"Who thought when we came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop," Iroh said as people got settled into their seats. "Follow your passion Zuko, and life will reward you. You too Mara."

"Congratulations uncle," Zuko smiled.

"I am very thankful."

"You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city." Zuko said enthusiastically.

I laughed lightly, "I think it already is." I looked around; it was a fairly big building, but there were a lot of people in here already.

"I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me. It means more than you know."

Zuko pulled Iroh into a hug, which surprised both me and him. He really has changed.

"Now," Zuko stepped back, "Let's make these people some tea." He seemed excited, happy, all the things that I had never seen on him before.

Zuko walked off, and Iroh and I hesitated, shocked by what just happened. We exchanged a look, and then Iroh said, "Yes! Let's make some tea," and hurried off after Zuko, which made me laugh.

Zuko was right, things were looking up.

*          *          *

            After everyone was gone we were cleaning up, Zuko was sweeping and I was gathering the rest of the dishes. A man walked in and handed Iroh a scroll, "A message from the royal palace," the man said, and then walked out.

I perked up, watching him open it.

"I – I can't believe it."

I creased my brows and set the dishes down, and started walking over to him.

Zuko stopped sweeping and went over to him, "What is it uncle?"

"Great news!" Iroh shut the scrolled as I came up to them. "We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!"

"Wow that's wonderful!" I exclaimed, and Iroh ran off further into the shop. I laughed and looked at Zuko, who was smiling. His hair was a bit rugged, but I liked the look on him.

Once we were done cleaning up, we went back to the apartment. Iroh was getting things ready for the next day where we would go see the king, and Zuko and I were in our room.

I looked over at him as he was taking off his robe. He sensed my gaze and we locked eyes. The amber was brighter than it had ever been, it was almost as if his fire was dancing. He smirked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Life Happens Wherever You Are (Zuko x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum