Chapter Thirty Nine

Start from the beginning

Mal, honey, that was probably out of obligation.

Mal sighed. You know that was one of the few good things about the Isle. If you didn't like someone, you could just say so and avoid them.

Sweetheart, just relax okay? I'll be there soon. Why don't you take a shower and get changed?

Okay mom. See you soon.

Mal smiled slightly as she ended the mind link call. It was weird but there was a small, very small, part of her that was looking forward to this. If only because she got to see her mom. Getting the chosen garment out of her wardrobe, Mal headed into the bathroom. Quickly closing the door, Mal hung the dress up on the doorknob before hopping into the shower.

She couldn't help but sigh as the water from the shower hit her skin. She may not have been a girly girl and she may have missed parts of the Isle but the hot running water was something Auradon had that she wouldn't give up for the world. It was heaven. Uma and Harry were going to love it when they got there.

Quickly finishing up, Mal stepped out and dried off before slipping the dress on and stepping back into her bedroom. She wanted to hate it, but when she looked into the mirror she had to admit that it was pretty. She was pretty. It wasn't that she was ugly per say but Mal knew she would never be the type of person to turn a guy's head. At least...not an Isle guy.

She shook her head, preventing any thoughts from creeping into her head. Ben was just being polite with the attention he gave the VKs—and the only reason he asked her out was because he was still spelled.

A knock at the door interrupted Mal's mental diatribe. "Yeah?"

"It's me, Mali. Can I come in?"

Mal took a breath before nodding. It took a second for her to realize that there was a solid wooden door between her and Persephone. "Um, yeah mom!"

"Oh my! Don't you look lovely already!" Persephone said with a smile as she came in and closed the door behind her.

"Thanks mom," Mal muttered, brushing some hair out of her eyes. The nice thing about having short, thin hair was that it didn't take too long to dry in the air especially in a land of sun. Persephone patted the bed and took Mal's brush off her dresser.

"Humor your old mother?"

"Mom, you're not old," Mal rolled her eyes but sat down next to Persephone. She had to admit, there was nothing better than her mom brushing out her hair. Mal didn't even mind the small braid Steph put in it. It wasn't too flashy and Mal had to admit, it looked nice.

"You won't need much make up," Persephone told her with a smile as she put the brush back on the dresser.

"Oh thank Gods," Mal sighed in relief. All she wanted was to avoid being a prissy princess.

"Just a bit of black eyeliner and a small amount of blush to give you some color," Persephone added as she took out the makeup. Mal nodded, looking at the eyeliner with a bit of apprehension. She trusted her mother of course, but after six years of living only with Maleficent, Mal had a slight wariness of sharp things coming anywhere near her.

Yes, even swords. Only a crazy person would welcome a sword being brandished at them.

"It's alright sweetheart. I won't poke your eyes," Steph said, her voice gentle as if knowing what Mal was thinking about. "I promise."

"I know, I trust you mom," Mal said softly. Persephone smiled gently as she picked up the black pencil.

"Okay Mal, I'm going to do the eyeliner first," she said. "Now, I'm not going to poke your eyes out but I'm still going to advise you stay still."

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